Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Derek's POV

       I grabbed the bag of beef jerky I bought at the store, that was inside the hotel, then made my way back to the room. When I unlocked the door I found Mike and Cas sleeping. I then walked back out of the room and went over to Sasha's room. I knocked on the door and Sasha came out. "Hey Sasha, can I hang out in your room. Mike and Cas are sleeping in my room, and I didn't want to wake them." I explained. "Yeah sure come on in. I'm watching a soccer game, Japan vs. France!" She exclaimed. "I bought some beef jerky." I said. "OO GREAT! I have pizza." She exclaimed clapping her hands together. I walked in and saw the TV on. I then jumped on a desk chair and she got on her bed and we watched the whole game.

~Time skip brought to you by France beating Japan~

Cas's POV

        I woke up in Mike's arms. I rubbed my eyes, and then looked up at Mike. He then slowly leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back and then put my head against his chest. I then started playing with the button on his black shirt. " What are you doing," he said giggling. "I don't know." I said also giggling. I got up and then put my shoes back on, and so did mike. "Hey I'm going over to check on Sasha." I told mike while heading to the door. I looked behind me and saw Mike looking out at the city. I walked over to him and hugged him from behind. "What's wrong," I muffled into his shirt. "I look at my life, and tell myself that I'm lucky. I have an amazing family who love me very much, and I have you," he then turned around and hugged me and buried his head at the crook of my neck. " and..I'm very happy to have you by my side, Cas." He said while hugging me tightly. "I'll always be with you Mike. And I'll always by your side." I said while hugging him back tightly. He let go and then we went off to my room to see if Cas had returned. When we walked in, we saw Sasha laying on the ground, on her stomach, and Derek screaming "HAHA YES! FRANCE WON!" Sasha kept groaning and telling Derek to be quiet. "What happened?" I asked while going on my knees and rubbing Sasha's back. She looked like she needed comforting. "My favorite team lost, and I lost a bet." She groaned. "Does baby Sasha need candy?" I asked her. "Mm-hm." She replied. I got up and then went to grab my bag and then pulled Sasha up. "Wanna come with us?" I asked the boys. "Yeah!" Derek exclaimed. "Of course." Mike said winking. I felt my face heat up a little, so I turned around and dragged Sasha to a 99 market that was at the block. When we went to the aisle where all the candy was supposed to be, I found...lets just call it Levi candy. There was also Eren and Mikasa, and also Armin candy. It was kinda funny, because they chibi style. When Sasha saw the candy she grabbed three of each. I was surprised that she got so many. "Why are you getting so many," I said laughing. " Cuz I have to get souvenirs and so this works perfectly." She said while placing all the candy into the shopping basket. "You need to chill." I told her while she ran to the cashier. "She has no chill." Derek whispered to me. When she was all done, we all walked out and then went back to the hotel rooms. It was getting kinda dark, and we were had to wake up early tomorrow because we were heading to a Theater. Mrs. Cat said that it was show in a Noh and Kyogen style. I don't know what that is exactly but she said its a very colorful and very fun show to watch. When we got to the rooms, I said goodnight to Mike, who kissed me on the check before leaving, and bye to Derek who was teasing Derek about it. Of course, Sasha did the same to me. I took a quick shower before going to sleep, and then literally jumped into bed. I heard Sasha whisper, "Oyasumi." " Goodnight to you too." I replied.

The next day

Mike's POV

        "Micky, Micky-poo. Michael, Michele." I heard someone whisper in my ear. "Wakey wakey honey doo." They continued. "What? WHAT? WAAAAAATTTTT?" I groaned. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Cas. "Good morning, she said while kissing my cheek. " Well somebody's up early." I yawned. "Yes, well we do have to go somewhere early today, and Derek went out to buy snacks, so he asked me to wake you up." She explained. I pulled the sheets off of me and then went to the bathroom. Cas sat on my bed and turned on the T.v. "Thanks Cas for waking me up by the way." I said, before going into the shower. "Anytime Mike." She replied, then I started to take a quick shower and put on a blue shirt, with jeans and my black converse. Cas was wearing a navy blue shirt and shorts with black converse. I walked out and then grabbed my wallet and put in my pocket. "You ready?" She asked me. "Yep! Let's get going!" I exclaimed. Cas then walked up to the door, and I opened it up for her. "Ladies first." I said with a smirk. "Why thank you sir." She replied smiling at me. I locked the door and then me and Cas went to the lobby. I found Derek and Sasha waiting for us. I also noticed that Derek had a plastic bag with him. "Hey what's in the bag?" I asked him. "Snacks, snacks, and even more snacks." He replied while laughing. "You sure like to eat don't you?"  "I'm not gonna eat them all you know! There's some for everyone." He replied with a big smile. We then heard Mrs.Cat explain that we were going to have to take taxis again, so we had to get into bigger groups, because there were less taxis. Me, Cas, Derek and Sasha became a group and then we got into the taxi. Sasha called shotgun, and Cas, me and Derek sat in the back. It was like around a 25 minute drive. When we finally got there I saw a beautiful, big, building that was painted to so many colors. It was just magnificent. ~End of chapter 10

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