Chapter 4 - Engima

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Cha Won- Shik is sitting in his chair, staring at the wall in front of him like he wants to drill it. It was exactly what he is feeling from inside right now. Blazes of agony and grief are covering him, submerging him inside the darkness that he couldn't see anything. He feel like he fell into an endless pit, that he couldn't climb again.

How is he going to tell Chan-Mi about this? About their only daughter's death?

The irremediable sorrow is twitching his heart as someone stabbed him on his chest. The shock is too much to take. He is too shocked to cry loudly, the sting of melancholy and confusion is making him feel a great wrench of sadness.

The man keeps staring at the wall, but his face is emotionless. His eyes were blank, his pale face is turning to ashen with misery and vexation. The fatigue inside his body is holding him back from crying. His mind is ringing with what he heard previously.

"Flight A085 that was supposed to flying to South Korea has suddenly disappeared without any clue. Authorities say that it may be occurred by an act of hijackers. But this case is nothing simple. Both air forces of..."

Won-Shik couldn't believe what he heard. He collapsed in his chair, semi-consciously, when he saw the news when he was sipping his latte in his favourite cafe after work.

From that moment till now, he has been the same. Not affording to talk with anyone, acting mute and deaf while continuously staring at far away.

He can't believe that he actually lost his daughter.

He felt his sockets are getting blurry and weepy. Fat tears roll down his cheeks, staining his skin with the marks of warm tears. He took his phone with shaky hands, with a clobber heart. He dials a number, not knowing how he's going to tell this to his ex-wife. The other end is ringing, trying to reach contact with the owner of the receiver. His throat dries as he hears the female voice, the voice he hasn't heard for three years.

"What do you want?" her words are heartless. It daggers his heart even more. Not the fact that his ex-wife is talking harsh to him, but perceiving the certitude that he is about to break her heart, once again, is burning him from internal. But this time, he knows that she will never forgive him.

"Chan-Mi, I- I am sorry," he stammers with a cracked voice. He hears the other end scoffing. He can detect the irony through her words.

"You should be, shouldn't you?" her words are no longer soft like it was used to be. They are stern and insensitive. He knows that it is his fault that she is like this. He gulps.

"Y/n, she-" he tries to talk with a stutter. He feels like his tongue is stuck to his mouth. Suddenly the Chan-Mi's mood changes. She startles as she hears her daughter's name.

"What happened to Y/n? What happened to my baby? Won-Shik-ah!" Her voice arouses as her sixth sense tells her that something is wrong. The male is helpless. He can't find words to talk. He wet his dry throat with his saliva.

"Her plane-" he can't talk. He feels mute. He hears the fast breathing of the woman in the other end.

"Don't tell me that, Oh my god, No! Won-Shik-ah! It's not true, that's not what you were going to tell me right?" Suddenly she starts talking in disbelief, not wanting to buy the idea. "It's not true," she starts mumbling the same thing again and again.

"It's not freaking true!" she screams out her lungs. Won-Shik can't handle it anymore. The phone slides away from him. He falls on his knees, meeting with the ground. He starts crying, bawling loudly, aggressively clasping his hair.

He screamed, letting out the pain that is throbbing in his heart. The man is lonely wailing loudly, clutching his heart.

It was only his sobs and the howling wind that acquaint him.

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