Chapter 11- The Shape Shifter

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I motionlessly shut close my eyes, knowing that these are my final minutes to live. My lips are trembling with fear, and because of the dry throat, I feel parched. I can hear the white beast breathing into me, drawing its face near mine.

The long whiskers of the cat tickle me as it gets closer. I gulp, still not wanting to get a glimpse of the scary brute. The warm breath hits me as it scrutinizes my face. I can feel its furry face touching mine. Sweat tickles down my forehead as I hold my breath. It must have been a solid minute, the soft presence of the big cat was gone. I can no longer feel it.

Why didn't it attack me?

It looks like the cat was rather curious about me than making me its dinner. I exhaled deeply and gain the courage to open my eyes. To my surprise the white tiger is sitting in front of me, yeah you heard me right, it is merely sitting near me with no intention to harm me. Its greeny orbs dug through my soul as it wants to read me. I keep staring at it. Its next move caught me off guard, It started talking.

"What do you think you are doing here in this forest of death?" I couldn't believe my ears.

Did I hear right? what in the world, did this bobcat just talk to me?

" Are you deaf or dumb?" it sneered. Before I could think of a reply I hear a familiar voice.

"Y/n, where are you?" Jungkook... I don't spare another minute before running towards him. My body collides with his as I run to him. I was never been happier to see him. I clutched his arm tightly as he stares astonished by my moves.

"A beast...talks...there..." I stutter and try to explain to him through panting. He pulls me in front of him and grips me on both my shoulders. I am trying to catch my breath, my eyes are bigger than tennis balls because of fear.

"Y/n look at me, " I can't focus on him.

"Jungkook.." I mumbled. He suddenly cups my cheeks and gazes at me. I can see a bluish flame in his eyes. I feel calm, it feels like I finally met my soothing and satisfying. My jittery feelings wash away.

Jungkook, slowly slides his hands away, remaining one palm on my shoulder. Did he just use his powers on me to do that? I again felt that light tingling on my shoulder.

"Now tell me, what was it?" I look at him and pointed behind him, as I see a silhouette falls among the trees.

"It's right there," He turns around to espy the creature who is walking towards us. I got behind Jungkook, where I can feel protected. The white beast share a glance with him and then look at me. I feel like it's smirking at me. How weird, this tiger just smirked at me, is that even possible?

" So you are with him," it talks. Jungkook smiles in relief.

"It's you," it seems like Jungkook is a friend of this creature, from his gestures I can say that he is sincerely happy to see it.

"On your way to the Kim's, hyung?" he casually asks. The tiger nods. Hyung? what the frickity fract, why did he call that beast hyung?

"I assume you are heading there as well Kook?" it asks already knowing the answer to his query, its head turns to me, "Who's she?"

" I'm about to find that too hyung, I'm taking her to the court with me, Taehyung hyung might know what to do with her." the cat nods, "Imposter?" Jungkook denies.

" I can't assure that, we have to make sure that she's not another part of their sorcery" I snorted as Jungkook says,

" You are aware that I'm listening to you right? For your information, I'm standing here right next to you," I snap at him and pace away from his shadow.

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