Chapter 5- Confusion

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I flutter open my eyelashes, my eyelids feel so heavy like I was drugged. I espy the wooden planks of the roof up one me. My head is heavy. I can barely lift it. I feel that my body is numb. I groan, trying to stretch my stiffened arms and legs.

Did I drink last night? Wait, hold on, wasn't I on a plane?

I blink, turning my head to figure out what is happening.

I am covered with a warm sheet, not letting the coldness bother me. But the blankets are weird looking. I lean on my arms and mount my upper body. I pressed my back against the wooden wall and drag my kneels near me, sitting on the bed.

I am inside a small bed-chamber. A thin layer of white and light blue curtains is covering me. I feel a great fragrance of something really pleasant. I inhale a deep breath with a fresh feeling. The big wooden window is open, letting the orange sunbeams of the evening gleam the room.

The room isn't a normal room I have seen before.

I rub my heavy eyes and blink again, trying to figure out what place I am in. The room looks somewhat empty but peaceful. There isn't much furniture in the room, only a bed and some cabinets, more like small wooden cupboards that were about waist height, are the only big noticeable items in the room. I massage my numb neck muscles, sliding away from the blanket that was covering me.

Everything is made of wood, even the floor was wood. Not a single brick included. As the chill mooches my skin, I wrap my arms around me, rubbing my palms against my skin to get over the shudder. As I breathe, I again smell the nice fragrance I smelled earlier. I look around to find the source of it. I stand up from the bed and walk near the ceramic vase on the wooden cupboard.

God damn, these flowers are so pretty.

I step near them and touch the pretty flower petals. They are so soft and delicate. Some of the small lilac purple flower buds aren't fully bloomed. I have never seen beautiful flowers like this. That fragrance is everlasting. I feel like something is happening inside me as I touch them, something gratifying. I can't describe that feeling. What's the right word?

Blossoming? Yes, I feel like something is blossoming inside me.

Suddenly the numbness and the pain in my head is gone. I feel reborn, reinvigorated. I stretch my arms and crack my knuckles. Not only my body, I feel that even my entangled brain is  working properly. The room is decorated with wall art. Most of them, correction, all of them are floral art that is enchanting and ornate designs.

I spot the ceramic water basin near the bed I was sleeping. I kneel down it, splattering the cold yet pleasurable water on my face. I comb away my messy and fallen bangs away from my face, wetting my face and neck from the cold liquid.

"Ah, this is better, What on the earth happened?"

As I touch my face, I notice that I didn't have cuts or scars, which astound me.

The plane, the flames, Jackson Wang.. the plane crashed. I remember my attempt to reach the back of the plane. But did I reach? I rummage through my brain to find answers.

No, I never reach his hand, I couldn't hold Jackson's hand at that last moment.

Then how on the earth did I end up in this strange place, that too, fully recovered? I look at my clothes. They are the same damn clothes I wore for the flight. This is confusing me. I gape out the window to get an of idea where I am. As I open the sliding window completely, my jaw drops as I see the outside scene.

What is this place?

The room I am staying in is surrounded by water. As I bop my head out, I see the long wooden passages built on the water, which is sheltered with folded arches. Reddish pink flower petals of the blossomed trees beside are fallen to the water, while the crystal clear water is already reflecting the image of the flourish trees. Even It's getting a little dark, the water glimmers, highlighting the flower petals that are floating freely. Some places fully bloomed lotus flowers majestically stood up from the buds, showing as they are showing the youngsters how to grow like them.

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