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"And the winner is..." the MC stretched it in anticipation as the idols stand behind him on the stage.

"I think Jennie is gonna win again," one of the members of Seventeen pointed out.

"No shit Sherlock. Her solo was bop!" another one replied.

Jennie smiled by herself as she clutched onto her hands in front of her. She gave her fans a small wave and looked at the hosts.

"The winner is again 'SOLO' by Kim Jennie!" the MC announced and the confetti blasted startling Jennie.

She clutched her ears and made her way towards MC and they handed her the trophy. Jennie bowed to them and took the mic.

The camera focused on her smiling face and she said, "Ah... thank you so much, everyone! It was a team effort by staff members, my managers, lyricists, music producers, and, of course, the CEO."

She lifted her trophy in the air and said, "And my dear fans! Of course, because of you all, I have won this award. So it goes to you all too! Thank you for always supporting me! I love you so much!"

The crowd applauded and hooted as the instrumental of SOLO started playing in the background. Other idols bowed to her and they started exiting the stage gradually.

Jennie looked at the crowd and sang her lyrics with her fans with a grin on her face.

After the show ended, Jennie made her way to the dressing room. She sighed and settled in her chair.

"Congratulations! I'm so proud of you, Jen!" her manager said and handed her the water bottle.

Jennie took the bottle from her hand and smiled at her, saying, "Thanks Nayeon."

Nayeon smiled at her and squeezed her shoulder. "Get changed and then the manager Oppa will take you to your house," she said.

Jennie clutched onto her wrist and said, "Nayeon? Can you, um, let me go alone?"

Nayeon raised an eyebrow and asked, "Why do you wanna go alone? And it's almost night, and on top of that, you're tired too."

Jennie cutely pouted and said, "Please! Nayeon! I want to go alone today... I want to go somewhere."

Nayeon just stared at her for a few moments and then sighed. "Fine. You can go alone. But, don't forget to call me when you reach home safely!" she said.

"Aye! Aye! Captain!" Jennie replied and gave her a mock salute.

Jennie stood up from her chair and hurriedly changed into comfy clothes. She removed her makeup and tied her hair into a bun. She applied a little bit of lip gloss and took a mirror selfie.

"Posted," she said and smiled at her phone screen before pocketing it.

She wore her black cap and mask before making her way out of the building. She discreetly walked to the parking lot and fished out her car keys.

"Where... it is-- Oh! There you are," she said and smiled at her car, Bugatti Cheron 300.

She unlocked the car and got settled in the driver's seat. She sighed with contentment upon feeling the coolness inside the car and revved up the engine. Buckling herself to the seat, Jennie drove her way out of the parking lot and onto the road.

Jennie's phone whirred in her pocket and she took it out. She smiled seeing the name on the screen and connected it with the car's Bluetooth.

"Hey, Mom," she said while removing her mask and cap.

"Jennie! Congratulations, honey! You won again. I'm so proud of you," her mom shouted on the phone.

"Aw, Mom! Thank you so much!" Jennie said and gripped the steering wheel.

"Well, you're my daughter. You had to win!" her mother flaunted herself. Jennie giggled at her mom's words and replied, "Yeah, Mom. You're right."

"I am. So, when are you coming home? Is your manager with you?" her mom asked.

"I'm coming home soon, Mom. And I'm... driving on my own," Jennie said and bit her lower lip. She knew what was coming next.

"Kim Jennie?! How many times I have told you that you're not going to drive alone?!" Jennie's mom shouted as her voice boomed throughout the car.

Jennie flinched lightly and replied, "I know Mom! But, I wanted to go somewhere... so I drove alone."

"What's so important that you're driving alone? And also at this time?" her mom asked, voice stern.

Jennie scratched the back of her neck and slowly turned the steering wheel to the left. Her eyes were on the road and she replied, "Mom, it's... about dad."

Her mother fell silent from the other side of the line. As only the sound of heavy breathing was coming.

"You're visiting him? At this time? Come home, Jen. No more discussion," her mother ordered.

"But, Mom-- WHOA!"

The noise of screeching tires was heard and Jennie veered the steering wheel to the hard left. Her eyes got blinded by the light coming from another car. She tightly screwed her eyes shut and screamed into the night.

When Jennie got a little bit of consciousness, her eyes were blurry and her head was against the steering wheel.

"H-Help..." She groaned in pain and felt a hot liquid pouring over her head.

She slowly reached her shaky hand to her head and saw blood. A lot of blood. Sliding down across her forehead.

Before finally losing her closing her consciousness, she saw several lights and sounds of people shouting around her.


Trying my experience and luck a little bit this time. Hope you like this one too! :)

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