You're making me crazy

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"Hey, Unnie!" Rosé entered the penthouse with Jisoo and Lisa in tow.

Jennie was sitting on her couch in the living room and looked up with a smile, saying, "Hey, girls. Come here."

They all walked up to her and sat down beside her with a hint of sadness in their eyes. Jennie chuckled and said, "Why are y'all so quiet? I'm okay, really."

"Are you though? We all know how much you loved him and..." Jisoo trailed off sharing looks with the younger ones.

"Unnie, we came here to share your grief. You don't have to mask it in front of us. You can cry all you want... we are here for you," Rosé said with a soft tone.

Jennie sighed and paused the TV, saying, "He is not worth my tears. I grieved already about that."

Lisa gave her a side hug and said, "You're a tough cookie, Unnie."

"Yes. Yes, I am. And after..." her eyes gazed off far away at the floor and she reminisced the events of two days ago when she woke up in Y/N's house.

A smile crept on her face remembering Y/N's words and she said, "Sometimes you have to be strong for yourself. What's meant to be will end up good and what's not-- won't."

"Huh?" Jisoo asked, "What was that?"

Jennie looked at her with a broad smile and said, "It's Y/N."

"What? Wait-- You were with her after your break-up?!" Jisoo technically shouted in surprise as Rose pushed her down on her seat.

"Calm down, Jisoo Unnie," Rosé said and looked at Jennie, saying, "Spill, Unnie."

Lisa nodded and said, "Don't leave anything out."

Jennie sighed and leaned back in her place while smiling to herself. The thought of the caring nature of Y/N and how she listened to her problems and made her feel safe and happy made Jennie's heart flutter.

"I went to the bar after that happened... and called Y/N in my drunk state. She came and took me to her home and apparently when I woke up... we both were cuddling on the bed," she said while blushing a little.

"Oooh! Jennie... what did you guys do, huh?" Jisoo asked while smirking and Lisa laughed loudly.

"Shut up!" she retorted and continued, "Y/N... she took care of me as Jongin should've... Hugging all the sorrow away and caressing my newly opened wounds. She was attentive to every detail and she didn't even force me to open up. She was... perfect."

"You know? I'm glad you broke up with that jerk. You deserve much more than that, Unnie," Lisa said as others hummed in agreement.

"...Someone who will care for you and makes you their priority..." she added and looked at Jennie with utmost honesty saying, "...someone like Y/N."

Jennie kind of knew that this was bound to happen. After everything she told them about Y/N, she knew her friends would suggest that. However, this time, Jennie didn't hesitate to agree with her.

"I met a man at the bar that night," Jennie started, "he asked me about who made me smile and feel all those warm emotions... undoubtedly, Y/N popped in my mind. It felt so... obvious to me. Like, it always was Y/N."

She propped her chin on her palm and leaned forward, looking pensive. Jisoo studied her expressions and said, "Then tell her. Tell her that you like her."

Jennie closed her eyes and took a deep breath, saying, "I can't."

"Why? I have seen the way she looks at you. It's no joke, Jen," Jisoo argued while crossing her arms.

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