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"War." Wilbur stormed into the van making Y/N jump back and Tommy stop brewing potions.

Wilbur's fluffy brown hair bounced when he stopped, his blue and gold uniform was dusted with mud and tied with a red belt. His crimson beanie was falling to the side and his deep blue jeans were ripped on the cuff while his boots were dripping in thick mud. Dark brown eyes stared down at the pair in the van.

"What are you on about?" Y/N stood frantically and sheathed her deep purple sword to her side. The only netherite weapon in the whole of L'manberg.

"I talked to Dream. He said we surrender or war at dawn." Wilbur scanned the room with dread as Tommy's mouth began to spew swears at the brunette.

Tommy had blonde poofy hair, he also wore the same L'manberg uniform but it hung loosely and messily with black jeans below and black trainers. Blue eyes looking frantically from Y/N to Wilbur.

"We have to get ready, Tommy gather everyone, Y/N get more food from outside." Wilbur ordered as both teenagers nodded.

The 16 year old sprinted out dragging the 19 year old with him They stopped out into the clear grass with blinding sun piercing their eyes. A small brunette was sitting near a lake watching a bee fly above the water.

Tommy ran over to Tubbo who looked up with blue-grey eyes. He wore another L'manberg uniform that was neatly tucked onto his small body, blue jeans and black shoes. His smile slowly faded with Tommy's panic.

"War. We need to go to the van." Tubbo nodded and stood up following the blonde who released Y/N's hand letting her run out of L'manberg's gate and down the dirt path.

The path connected to an oak path that spread across the land. Y/N followed down it and stopped near a large brick building. Clean windows and flowers sat along the walls and the floor was fully crafting tables. Y/N walked towards the buildings but jumped across to the other path and into a small farm, pulling out a bag and began to pull carrots and potatoes from the soil.

As she pulled the food from the earth, her mind wandered to the war. L'manberg vs Dream SMP. Dream hated L'manberg's independence and was forcing a war to decide. Y/N was a loyal L'manberg citizen with her brother to be leader. Her best friend was the leader of the opposition, Dream. She would visit him, Sapnap and George while everyone else was sleeping.

Y/N was snapped out of her thoughts when two hands landed on her shoulders and she jumped back, "BOO!"

She spun around to be faced by a white mask and poorly drawn smile. Bright green hoodie and black jeans with black trainers, dirty blonde hair swung messily and a laughing smile mouth showing from below his mask. He had deep purple weapons clipped to his body.

"Dream!" Y/N hit his arm as he pulled her into a hug.

"Missed ya." he smiled down at her surprised face.

"What are you doing? What if Wilbur-" he placed a hand over hers and sighed.

"Why are you with them again?"

"Wilbur and Tommy are my brothers. I have to be." she pulled herself away from his hug and picked up some more potatoes.

"You know you can make your own decision right. You don't have to stay with them."

She rolled her eyes at the masked man before clipping the bag to her side, "I've told you this. I can't betray them, I would never hear the end of it."

A small giggle left his lips when someone started to shout mumbled calls from the dirt path leading through the trees to L'manberg, "That's Tommy. I have to go."

Y/N tried to hurry away when Dream grabbed her hand and pulled her back into a hug where is head tucked into her shoulder. She sighed when her stomach buzzed and butterflies fluttered around making blush climb up her cheeks, her face flushed and she ducked her head to hide it when Dream squeezed her hand and another shout from Tommy travelled down the path much closer that before.

"I actually have to go unless I want to die." Dream mumbled before his grip tightened and Y/N sighed deeply.

"Bye Dream. I'll see you tonight at the house." he grumbled before releasing her from his hold and running off past the community house. Y/N giggled to herself when she jumped back over the bridge and Tommy appeared from the end of the path.

"Got the food?"

"Mhm." she walked next to the blonde who stared at the food-filled bag latched to her side before looking up and making another woman joke as normal.

Dream POV:

I grumbled into her shoulder as my heart raced in my chest, she giggled and I let go giving her a small wave while running through the community house and jumping up into a tree.

I watched silently as Tommy came out and N/N rushed over with her cute walk. Her H/C hair brushed against her face when her back turned to walk with Tommy. I heard a spew of dumb women joke when I hoped down and I turned to be greeted by Sapnap.

He had black hair and dark eyes, a white head band running across his forehead. He wore black ripped jeans and black shoes, a white shirt with small fire design in the centre a black long-sleeved shirt underneath.

"Y/N and Dream sitting in a tree." he teased. He was the only one who knew about my crush on Y/N and never failed to make a joke about it. My eyes rolled to the back of my head.

"Seriously Sap." We started to walk home.

"She clearly likes you to. Your the only one she lets hug her, hugs you back., let's you be with her when her brothers are there." I tilted my head to the side as we walked.

Third person POV:

The L'manbergians sat in the old drug van listening to Wilbur talk. "Tommy brew potions. Tubbo supplies. Y/N food. Eret weapons and Fundy you can help anyone you like my foxy woxie." his voice became high and squeaky as he addressed his son.

Fundy wore the same L'manberg uniform but in a lighter shade. Bright orange hair and freckles along his head with two fluffy fox ears spurting from the top of his head. He followed Eret out the van.

Eret wore the original uniform and black trousers. His eyes were covered with black sun glasses that blocked all vision their eyes and he had brown wavy hair that fell to her shoulders. They seemed more on edge than usual, scanning the black and yellow walls of the land which protected the rest of her team.

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