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The sun shone into the room, bouncing from the green walls and onto the two people that lay in a bed, one had her head hidden inside the others chest.

"Morning." Dream smiled down at the girl in his arms.

Y/n mumbled into Dream's chest, he giggled at her answer, he watched her shift and move her arms to loosely hang around his body and her head dipped further into his chest, "Do you want some breakfast?" he asked.

He felt a slight nod in his chest and smiled to himself, squeezing her tightly then loosening his grip, he shifted when he felt her arm tighten and she mumbled, "Can you do toast?" she asked quietly.

He chuckled at her clinginess, "Yeah sure, but I can't if you don't let me go."

She giggled again before letting him stand up, she moved to sit up and rubbed her eyes, Dream walked to another room to change and left Y/n to go to her room. She walked in and immediately winced at the bright light that shone into the room, her curtains were wide open and the sun beamed into her room.

She walked in and over to her wardrobe, she grabbed a pair of black jeans and a blue hoodie that draped comfily over her body. She then took some black trainers and socks, sliding them over her feet and stood up.

After a moment, their was a light knock on her door, "Yeah?" she called out to it.

Dream walked in and smiled at her with a small plate in his hand, two pieces of toast with butter and jam spread over the top. She smiled kindly at him, taking the plate and moving to sit on the chair overlooking the window, "Their was a note downstairs with coordinates. It was from Will, do you want to find them?" He crouched next to her.

She nodded franticly at him with a smile as she took a large bite from her toast, "Ok meet me downstairs once you've finished that!" he stood up with a slight crack in his joints and left the room.


Y/n POV:


I stood up from the fluffy chair at my window and took my plate downstairs, placing it on the side and walking to the front door where Dream and Sapnap stood talking.

"What up humans!" I smiled walking over.

Sapnap jumped at my sudden appearance and walked up to me ruffling my hair, "Your such an idiot."

I giggled and moved to Dream pecking his lips and turning back to Sapnap who began to gag and left the room so I turned back to Dream, "Ready?" I asked.

"Yep!" He pulled out a small map and another little note that was signed -Wilbur I looked up at Dream's face as he examined each of the papers and ran his index finger over the map then stopped on one point. He stopped at a small mountain hidden in the trees, it wasn't too fare from here just had to find our way through the trees.

He swerved on his heel and pointed into the trees to our left, "That way!" he cheered.

I giggled at him and we set off the way he pointed. Every so often, Dream checked the map and paused to see if we were still going to right way.


After around 30 minuets, we came up to a small mountain and stuck into the side of it was a wooden door that was shoved into the mud and stone of the mountain, I could hear slight yelling inside with Tommy's chaotic tone running through the holes in the badly made door.

I moved to the door and pushed it open with a slight thunk, all the shouting stopped and two people turned to look at us. Tommy's blonde hair was messy and had had small chunks of mud stuck in it, his L'manberg uniform was torn and small bruises covering his arms and legs from escaping. Wilbur's hair was messy and out of place, his uniform was also torn and a large wound was wrapped in blood stained bandages around his stomach and he limped slightly on his right leg.

My eyes widened and I ran to Will, "Oh my god! What happened?" I asked panicking over his wound.

"It's fine. Your the one who attacked Schlatt after everything!" I saw Dream shift at the mention of Schlatt and so did I after yesterday.

"I didn't get hurt." I mumbled.

"You did what?!" Tommy ran up to me and pulled my head up to look at my face.

"Nothing happened. Are you guys ok? What happened to you?" I turned my head back to Wilbur and his bandages.

"Just an arrow." he sighed, I could tell he was in pain.

We sat down and waited for a moment for someone to talk, "What are we going to do?" Tommy asked sadly.

"I don't know Tom." Will sighed.

"We need to get rid of Schlatt." I stated while looking at Dream who just sat their in silence.

"We need to go back but we will come back tomorrow and we can brain storm ideas." Dream looked awkwardly around the room.

"Ok." Tommy spoke.

Dream and I stood up to leave when Will grabbed my arm and lightly held me down, I looked back at him confused, "See you soon." he smiled sadly. I nodded and me and Dream left.

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