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Just as my feet hit the puddle, it disappeared along with Techno who sprinted after Karl holding his rocket launcher in one arm. 

To my right, Tommy and Quackity landed in another puddle of water. Their netherite glowing as the water splashed their shoes. Eret and Niki dashed through the tiny wheat field, clawing their wat through the tall, spikey blades of grass. 

I followed closely behind Tubbo who aimed his bow down the path and towards the docs where Karl was running. His body submerged in the water and he swam away. 

Just as my eyes left him, they got stuck to Punz. He was sprinting away from both Tubbo and Techno as they shot rocket after rocket in his direction. My eyes stung watching as burns scared his body, the bright flashed of colour somehow lightening this fight. 

I ran after them, aiming my bow at Punz as he swam down and through the water. His hair flouting up past his face. I pulled back my bow and shot into the water, hearing a clang of metal before he disappeared out of sight. 

I lowered my bow and slotted it onto my back before looking around again. Tubbo and Techno were running back towards Manburg where the rest of the team were. I set off after them but before I could move, a hand wrapped around my wrist and tugged me back into them, a sword, glowing with magic, was placed at my neck. 

I took a deep breath in and looked up, my head pressing further into the persons chest as the sword drew closer and closer to my neck. They had one hand tightly placed around both my wrists that squeezed together behind me back. 

I felt their warm breath washing over my neck as they lent down to my ear, "Relax. It's me." Their lips smacked together as they spoke. 

I smiled, "Hey Sap." 

"Quit smirking and look like I'm actually going to kill you, idiot." he pulled my arms back further, his hand growing tighter around my wrists. My head moved higher as I craned my neck into his chest, the blade at my neck slowly growing closer. 

I squeezed my eyes closed when a loud string of curses quickly came barrelling towards us. Two pairs of legs sprinting at me, one yelling louder than the other. 

"SAPNAP! Fuck off!" Tommy was stood in front of us, his sword raised.

Next to him was Eret who aimed his rocket launcher towards Sapnap, "Sapnap. Don't do this." her voice was harsh and low but carried the power it needed to. 

I could hear Sapnap smile behind me, his eyes traveling down to me before he quickly brought the sword even closer but stopped at another voice, "Sap." It was Dream. His arms were crossed as he stood menacingly behind Sapnap, watching the scene unfurl. 

Sapnap sighed and pushed me forwards and I fell into Eret who held me up and scanned my body, noticing the red marks left on my wrists. I looked back and both Dream and Sapnap had drunk invisibility potions, only their armour showing. 

They ran off. I stabilised myself and drew my sword when Tommy ran over and grabbed my hand, pulling me into his body for a quick hug. We both then ran after the others in our team. All of them in Manburg, chasing after someone. 

I smirked as Techno and Dream fought, his invisibility slowly wearing off. "Who is this?" Techno called. He looked down and caught site of the enchanted golden apples hanging off his belt. He smiled and laughed, "He has god apples it's defiantly Dream." His laugh rang around Manburg which only made me giggle at how predictable Dream really was. 

I chased after him, his invisibility wearing off completely as he jumped onto the prime path. I followed behind him, my sword raised up as he spun on his heel and we clashed weapons. My face inches away from the flat smile disk that stuck to his skull. 

I smiled and lent in further, kissing the top of the disk which only caught him off guard. Dream stumbled back from the shock and I sliced into his arm, watching as he ran away. 

Everyone else was behind me but stopped, "We need to talk!" 

I turned my attention back to Dream who held up his hands, his weapon now positioned neatly on his back. Both our teams faced each other, the prime path beneath our feat with water either side of us. Punz, Karl and Sapnap all had slightly damp hair that seemed to have dried in the wind. 

My eyes travelled to each one of their team members but there was one missing. Schlatt. Techno seemed to have noticed this as well, "Where did Schlatt go? he escaped in the chaos." 

I sighed and looked back at Dream who took a deep breath and looked at everyone around me, "Everyone be quiet." 

"Ok but only if my enemy insists." Technoblade laughed as he dug his sword into the ground, his body weight leaning on the weapon.

Dream huffed in response, "We would like to surrender." he took another brake after his comment, "And we would like to show you something." 

I narrowed my eyes and thinned my lips, taking I step towards him just as a heavy hand landed on my shoulder. I glanced up at Will, his eyebrows furrowed. 

A  chorus of What? sounded around the people to my right. Dream sighed again and turned, walking further down the prime path and towards a van. It was broken down and covered in a thick layer of mud that blocked the windows. 

I walked beside Technoblade at the back of the clump of fighters. Our eyes fixed on Dream who blindly lead our team somewhere that I didn't trust.  

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