Welcome back party

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It's been light outside for hours when Steve moves. He yawns heartily and stretches. When he looks at me sleepily, I can't help but lean over and kiss him tenderly. "Can you do that again, please?" he looks at me and pretends to pout. When my lips touch his again he pulls me towards him and the kiss quickly becomes more intense. While our tongues explore each other's mouth, he runs his hands under my shirt and then up and down my bare back. I can feel that he is more than ready to move on, but I don't know if I'm ready. For as long as I can remember, sex has always been a way of suppressing emotions and a means of getting my way. For me, sex has never been something that I associate with the feeling of love, that I have for Steve. At some point I'll be ready for it, but not now. I break the kiss and snuggle up to him, my head on his chest. To my surprise, he's not disappointed or even angry. He just seems happy that I'm here in his arms. At the love that I feel emanating from him, my dead heart becomes warm. "When do we have to go back?" I mumble in the silence. Apart from the rush of the water outside, nothing can be heard. "Not until tonight. We can spend the whole day here if you want." I sigh with satisfaction. "That's nice. I would love to stay here forever. Just you and me and the absolute silence here." "So would I. But Tony would kill us if we didn't show up at his party. Especially since it's your welcome back party." I have to admit, I'm really looking forward to Tony's party. Even before I joined the Avengers, I heard a lot about Tony Stark's legendary parties. We spend the rest of the day having breakfast, I'm really amazed at what Steve has in his backpack, cuddling and kissing before we go for another walk on the beach. We don't even notice how time goes by. But when it is already getting dark we pack up our things and drive back home. We can already hear loud music in the hallway and are met by Nat. "There you are. Tony thought you wouldn't come." "Like I'm missing out on a Tony Stark party," I say with a laugh. "In addition, small delays are chic" Steve puts his arm around me from behind. Nat rolls her eyes in amusement while Steve and I make our way to our rooms to get ready for the party. After a quick shower, I put on subtle makeup, blow-dry and straighten my hair so that it falls like silk over my back and then I stand in front of my wardrobe and think about what to wear. In the end, I opt for a figure-hugging short white shift dress with a plunging neckline at the front. In addition, my black leather jacket and simple black strappy pumps. One last look in the mirror before I make my way down to the party. My way leads me to the bar first. I order a vodka cranberry when Nat joins me. "How was the date? I want all the details. Especially the dirty ones." "There are no dirty details. It was beautiful. We camped on the beach, took walks on the beach, watched the stars and just enjoyed the fact that fate gave us a second chance." "Are you two back together now?" she asks before taking a long sip of her drink. Good question. Are we together again? "To be honest, we haven't even talked about it yet." Nat gives me a knowing look when I feel someone approaching from behind. Or rather, I can feel Steve approaching from behind. "Good evening ladies. Amilia, would you go dancing with me?" He shyly gestures to the dance floor. "Sure. But first I want to do something else." He looks at me questioningly. I grab the open collar of his shirt and pull him to me before I kiss him passionately. "Oh please you two, take a room" laughs Nat as she brings us back to reality with a loud throat clearing. Laughing, I pull Steve onto the dance floor after me. It doesn't take long for everyone else to join us and we all dance wildly. When the DJ plays S.O.S by Jordin Sparks, Nat, Wanda and I dance lasciviously together and put on a good show for the boys. It has to be said that everyone is already well drunk by this point. A while later the party draws to a close and everyone is sitting comfortably together as I overhear a conversation between Steve and Thor. It's about Thor's hammer and that no one except him would be able to lift this hammer. "Has anyone ever tried to lift the hammer?" I ask. "Not yet. But it can't possibly be as impossible as Thor says," says Clint, who is sitting on the sofa opposite. "You are welcome to try it" laughs Thor as Clint is already on the way to the hammer. But no matter how hard he tries, the hammer doesn't move a bit. "Let me try, you're just not doing it right," Tony says next. He even uses part of his Ironman armor, but again the hammer does not move. "Looks like you're doing it wrong too," I tease him in his own words. "How about you Steve, are you trying?" I ask him and I am curious whether he will manage to move it. "Ok, but only because of you" he gives me a kiss before he positions himself in front of the hammer. I'm not sure, but I mean the hammer moved a very small bit. But apart from me, nobody seems to have noticed. Maybe I just imagined it. "What about you, Amilia? Try it," Thor prompts me. "Ok guys. Watch and learn something," I say although I don't expect it to be any different than the others. Probably the thing is somehow bewitched so that it can actually only be lifted by Thor. Theatrically I close my fingers around the handle and can hardly believe it myself when I suddenly hold the hammer in my hand. Everyone else's looks are frozen in shock. "How can that be?" Thor is absolutely stunned. "Well brother, it looks like Amilia is worthy of the hammer too" Loki pats Thor on the shoulder. "Worthy of the hammer? What's that supposed to mean?" now it's up to me to look at the others, especially Loki, confused. "Amilia, apart from you and Thor nobody can lift the hammer. You have to be worthy of his power. But what exactly it is that makes you worthy, nobody can say," explains Nat. I should be worthy of all people? I am an undead mass murderer and yet this mystical power deems me worthy? This is my humor. "Ok, could you stop staring at me like I've just grown a second head?" Embarrassed, everyone averted their gaze and tried again to talk about other topics. But in their minds I can see that they are all still thinking about it. "It will show very soon why she is worthy" can I hear Strange's thoughts and wonder what exactly he means by that, maybe he already knows what makes me worthy? I make up my mind to ask him about it when I get the chance. "With the talents that come with her existence and the fact that she is worthy of the hammer, she is truly an asset to our team," I hear Vision's thoughts before I force myself to stop reading their minds. Wanda doesn't seem to be able to endure the tense atmosphere any more than I do. She clears her throat to get everyone's attention. "How about we loosen up the mood a bit? Who would like a game of Truth or Dare?"

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