ONE: rude

446 24 18

The music echoed amongst the empty rink as she chased for her breath after an intense round of spinning and twirling. Despite the double axel being notably one of her best skills, she was way below her usual state today; unsatisfied. Perhaps it was the sleep deprivation getting to her. But that was no excuse for her poor performance, even if it was practice. She should try again one more time before her session was over. Just imagine how her parents would feel upon seeing her rusty moves.

"Hey Mei~" A feminine voice sang out which successfully burst her bubble of intoxicating thoughts.

"Hey Eva." She skated towards the cheerful girl with her arms still waving in the air.

"You look as great as usual." Eva affectionately cupped the nonchalant-face girl's cheek. Her friend couldn't tell if it was either because of the coldness that has led to her face being frozen, or something lingering in her mind. " everything alright? You look exhausted."

"Thank you." The figure skater checked the time before stepping out of the ice. "I'm alright, just a little tired."

As they both sat on the nearest bench, Eva couldn't help but pity the hardworking girl who was constantly pushing her limits.

"Transferring to a new different uni must be tough." Eva smiled as she watched the girl untie her skate-laces. "How is HYBE treating you?"

"Not going to lie, i like it sooo much better than my previous one." The girl finally laughed. "Like the professors here are so much more considerate with late submissions and also, the ice rink is much bigger."

"That's good to hear." Eva chuckled, "I'm just so glad the three of us is finally reunited. High school buddies for the win!"

"I was only away for one year." She laughed at her dramatic friend.

As much as she wanted to continue talking to her friend, she knew she has got a lot of things on the agenda to fulfil today. Time was not going to wait for her and she could not afford wasting any more of it.

Just as the girls were about to leave the cold centre, a rather strange word was spoken out loud.

A male voice. "Hey woman."

Woman? What sort of person was this impolite to call someone just by the word, 'woman'. He wasn't wrong but that felt too unsettling to the figure skater who was just about to leave the centre.

As she turned around to reveal an unfamiliar, tall, looking boy, it didn't take her long to realise out of the two, which woman he was calling out. She also knew why he called her out.

Approaching the boy who stood there with an unreadable expression on his face, his action differed as he swayed the pink skate guards in the air.

"Thanks." She partially snatched her belonging back and was about to leave but his remark somewhat annoyed her.

"So forgetful." He muttered under his breath.

She could only sneer internally for she had an image to maintain. However, that wasn't going to stop her from talking back to the impolite boy.

"Name is Meiyon, for your information."



"When did i ask? Woman." He smirked pridefully, never taking his eyes off her. Perhaps their height difference did not do Meiyon any justice for he was practically towering over her.

"You need to learn some manners." She murmured only loud enough for him to hear.

"Am i wrong? Oh, unless you define as something else, i apologise." He shrugged.

"Couldn't you just be more polite?" Meiyon kept her cool.

There was an awkward silence and a confused expression on his face like he was really considering it. With no time to lose, Meiyon strutted away as she knew wasting any more time, especially on someone like him, was not going to do her any favour. "Whatever."

Out of everyone she has met on this campus, they have been nothing but saints to her. Maybe it was too good to be true for people like him would always exist somewhere.

'Good-looking but rude.'

How annoying.

hello everybody :P okay see you in the next chapter update (a few months time) <3 JK! unless...

- L

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