TWO: genius

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It would be wise for a young adult to have at least 7 hours of sleep. However, at such a rebellious stage, who could obey such unspoken rules? Or perhaps, with entering adulthood as a busy teenager, who could even afford such luxury?

"Miss Kim Meiyon." Her attention immediately shifted towards the owner of the voice that called her full government name out. Although many would be humiliated by being called out, Meiyon only guiltily smiled at the professor. "This is not your bedroom."

"My apologies, Sir." Meiyon yawned subtly between her words as she pulled her laptop closer towards her. As a guise of her pretentious act (pretending to do her work), she began watching some of her favourite videos on YouTube. Lucky for her, she already learnt the content from her previous university lecture.

Kim Yuna. As elegant as a swan on ice, she was her queen of figure-skater; idol.

"Meiyon, look at you taking down all these notes. So hardworking." Haera snickered as she whispered her sarcastic comment.

Meiyon only rolled her eyes before observing the techniques Yuna had performed in her most recent tournament.

If anything, she wishes to be just like her one day.

Suddenly, Eva nudged her shoulders as a sign for Meiyon to really pay attention this time. As Meiyon sighed again, she already knew what this occasion was for. Who doesn't like a heavily graded assignment that contributes to whether you pass the course or not?

"This is quite similar to the previous assignment last year. Take it as a revision." Professor Jo said whilst scrolling through his file before double-clicking one. "Here's an example we can look at. This student scored full marks last time and you can all look at this as a reference."

Observing the report written on the large screen, even Meiyon who transferred from a theory-based reputable university was surprised by the quality of the work.

"Who is it by?" A voice from the back asked out of curiosity.

A light chuckle was played upon by Professor Jo as if he had just heard a humourous joke. "How do you not know? It's the gentleman sitting beside you. Mister Park Sunghoon."

Turning around to reveal who the mysterious yet academic 'Park Sunghoon' was, her jaws almost fell open. There he was, already smirking at her in a prideful manner. The same one as yesterday.

Jake, the one who asked the question teased Sunghoon for his efforts which humoured the rest of the class. "Genius. Care to assist me as well? And everyone else?"

Even Haera and Eva were laughing but Meiyon was still stunned by the sudden reveal of her classmate. Sure she was new but how unobservant could she be to not notice such a (good-looking) boy?

The academic boy was the same rude boy from the other day, at the ice rink.

The one who addressed her merely as. 'woman'.

Little did they know, this was only the beginning of their story. From what started with a rude encounter, what story could these hold?

- L

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