TWENTY-EIGHT: dream of paradise

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It was truly Oscar-award worthy. Credits for their professionalism as both were acting as normal as they were before that incident had occurred.

Perhaps it was an even impressive move for Sunghoon not to bring up any sort of relation to that day despite not being able to speak his side. No matter how much he had wanted to talk to her about what had happened, he dared not to.

Not because he was afraid of her reaction, but rather because he respects her.

He was fully aware that bringing it up would be like adding salt to the wound; selfish as she had deliberated asked him not to talk about it until after their performance.

Their performance which was only a few hours away.

So like actors and actress in dramas, both kept all the unanswered questions inside themselves.

"Sunghoon, you have special visitors!" Coach Yoon's voice suddenly projected across the private room as she excitedly swung the door open.

"Sunghoon." A couple with warm smile had caused the young boy to instantly approach the two of them with a strong embrace.

"You're back from your business trip?" Sunghoon clearly loved the pleasant surprise.

"Of course." His father ruffled his hair as if he was still a 5 year old child.

Meiyon who was also in the room had politely stood up to bow as a form of respectful greeting.

Not expecting too much of an interaction, she was taken aback by the sudden warm hug from the lady with a kind face. "Sunghoon was right." She cupped Meiyon's cheeks after the unexpected hug.

"Pardon?" Meiyon, who had tried to read the room, was still lost.

"You look even prettier in real life." His mother winked mischievously.

"You think i'm pretty?" Meiyon couldn't help but confront the boy with a teasing tone.

"What? No?" Sunghoon replied in the least convincing manner.

"Sunghoon, be a man of your words." His father interfered as if he was ready to scold his son. However, everyone in that room knew it was only a joke.

As the family had caught up and treated Meiyon like one, it was almost time for the ice skating duo to make their way to the rink. The stadium was more packed then Meiyon had ever expected. Almost more than the amount of people that would watch the seasonal competitions.

Feeling a little nervous upon such a large amount of people, her eyes landed on Sunghoon's, who was already looking at her. It wasn't the often cold stare he would give off to people he wasn't close with, or the polite eyes he would provide to others. No. It was warm like the way the sun had kissed the earth from a distant; a gentle yet genuine gaze.

"Okay, maybe i did brag about you to my parents. Finding you pretty or whatever." Sunghoon playfully rolled his eyes as he laid his hand on her arms as starting position.

"Or whatever?" Meiyon chuckled, not expecting anymore from him. "Thank you."

"Maybe the exact words would be, 'the prettiest and most perfect girl i have seen yet'." He shrugged. Though he might have seem confident upon admitting his attraction towards her, she could tell he meant it via the sincerity of his eyes. "But it's not a crime to find you absolutely beautiful, right?"

Taking her by surprise, it was as if he was trying to sabotage her; the wording sounded way too familiar.

Before she could even reply, the lights were now switched off with the only remaining light shining at them. Though she was still at a state of speechlessness, thanks to her professional training in the last decade of her life, her body was more alerted than her mind.

And even if she was to mess up, she knew she was going to be fine.

Because she had him to rely on.

Park Sunghoon.

Being on ice with him, skating so freely and in such synchronism, was probably one of the best thing that had happened in her life. Perhaps her hard work, her training, her effort and her sacrifices, had all led to this point of euphoria.

It was strange for her to feel this way, such length of immense joy.

Who was she before she had met him?

How did she live such a repetitious and dull life?

As they both flawlessly finished the routine with not a single mistake, she finally came to a conclusion.

She didn't regret confessing to him, but rather how poorly it was executed.

As the crowd cheered and clapped in awe, Meiyon was ready to bow.

However, the most unexpected had happened.

Sunghoon had pulled her close as he cupped her cheeks.

Within moments, she had felt the numbing sensation on her lips as it met with the hungry yet sweet one of his. She could've broken it off, she could've pushed him away, but he didn't.

She didn't because she liked him too much.

She liked him enough to accept this kiss, even if it was only part of the performance.

This few moment of paradise will forever replay in her mind like an eternal loop.

As Sunghoon finally broke off the contact, his eyes has never left hers. It screamed of wanting more, though his body refrained him to make another move.

Not for him, but for her.

"Sorry, impulsive thoughts won." He smirked as he held her hands before skating to the exit of the rink.

"You're actually so..." Meiyon finally spoke after catching her breath.

"Intolerable? Annoying?" Sunghoon chuckled. "Wait...don't tell me motivating."

Scoffing in disbelief, Meiyon hopped off the ice first, however still holding onto his hand.

"Childish." She finally thought of a reply.

"That's new." He laughed before gently her pinch.

Whether he meant it or not, she didn't mind it.

That was how much she liked him.


He was her paradise.

Even if it was temporary.

09/01 --> interview went alright? I'm not too sure~

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