TWENTY: pretty paper eater

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There was nothing Meiyon despised besides losing and messing up.

Morning class.

Why must she wake up so early just to attend her lecture? She would rather practice an extra 3 hours on the rink than listen to the professor ramble about whatever he talks about.

Someone like her, was going to have to teach everything to herself again anyway.

As she gradually walked up to her usual spot, her eyes projected horror and betrayal.

"What happened to bros before hoes?" Meiyon's jaws dropped upon seeing Eva's new seat neighbour; Jake.

"Good morning to you too Mei. Sorry, but this is important business." Jake apologised with his hand.

"I promise i will explain to you everything later." Eva gave her puppy eyes to which Meiyon only sighed. Haera had texted the group chat at 4 am in the morning that she was sick and not going to make it to class. Deciding whether she should just sit in Haera's spot, her train of thought was once again interrupted by Mr Intolerable.

Oh, how the day was so bright and lovely.

"Little Miss Forgetful," Sunghoon had lowered himself again to make sure she could hear him properly. "Don't you think it's too early to block the entire universe?"

"Walk the other way then." Meiyon groaned in frustration.

"Or you could just sit down like a normal student." Sunghoon gently placed his hands on her shoulders before directing to the row behind Jake and Eva.

"Menace." Meiyon muttered under her breath.

"I heard that." Sunghoon sat himself beside her.

"Good." She replied back in a rather childish tone. With all honesty, she wasn't expecting Sunghoon to sit beside her. "What happened to Jay?"

"Business trip." He replied as he took his laptop out. "And your other friend?"

"Haera is sick."

"Hope she gets well soon."


As the lecture commenced as per usual, Meiyon was too distracted by the pair in front of her to even listen to the professor. They weren't exactly doing anything suspicious besides being attentive to class.

"Your eyes are going to burn them soon." Sunghoon whispered to the girl beside him.

Rolling her eyes upon being caught, she took out a small piece of paper before scribbling words on it.

"What is going on between them?"

Before sliding it to Sunghoon.

At first she thought he was not going to play along to such childish act, but after a while, he had finally returned the paper back to her.

"They're dating."

Behind Meiyon's perfectionist side, she was still a simple girl. If she sees something shocking, she is going to react.

And so, upon reading such a news cracker, she couldn't suppress her gasp.

"Fake dating." Sunghoon whispered again in hopes of toning her down but it was too late.

The professor was beginning to make his way up to see what had distracted Meiyon so much.

Luckily, despite being stunned by the news, she was quick to act.

Quickly scrunching up the tiny piece of paper, she had no choice but to stuff it in her mouth.

The same expression on the professor's face was mirrored on Sunghoon. Their confused and rather taken-back facial expression only made the situation more awkward.

Meiyon could only innocently chuckle with her mouth closed.

"You didn't have to go that far." The professor didn't know whether to scold her or laugh. "Please pay attention Miss Meiyon. Don't disturb the ones around you."

"Yes sir." Meiyon muffled a reply before watching the professor return back to his seat.

"You're actually so gross." Sunghoon tried to suppress his laughter as he dug for a tissue.

"At least i saved us." She spoke after spitting the paper back out.

"Yeah thanks to you...paper eater." He quietly laughed. "Just how many talents do you have?"

"Oh you would be surprised."

"Most definitely." Sunghoon watched the girl repetitively move her mouth in the same motion as if to get rid of the unpleasant taste of lead and paper.

"We have practice after right?"

"Mhm." He replied whilst handing her a piece of hard candy.

It didn't take a genius to know he was offering her the strawberry-flavoured sweet out of kindness.

Thus, with great pleasure, Meiyon accepted the candy and allowed the blissful flavour to melt on her tongue, satisfying her taste buds.

"Thank you." She whispered before finally trying to pay attention to the lecture again.

Sunghoon, who was at first taken back by her reckless actions, had no idea he was now smiling at her effortlessly cute behaviour.

There was no denying that Sunghoon had found her pretty the moment they had met, but upon getting to know her more, she was definitely more than just a pretty face.

A perfectionist.

A cute perfectionist.

14/12/23 ---> not d-day yet, just in like 9 hours...what if this is my last chapter until i go on hiatus again?

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