EIGHT: thoughtful temporary coach

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If one day comes when Meiyon is hard to reach, the best place to find her would be on ice. Of course, such a devoted girl with strong ambitions would be willing to sacrifice her own social life to achieve the title of the best.

Whether it be raining, storming, hailing, sunny or cloudy, she would be the last person to miss her practice schedule.

However, she wasn't the only one who was determined to become the best.

"Keep practising your turns." Sunghoon circled around the rink with his hands in his pocket.

Normally, Meiyon would not hesitate to talk back but because this was now professional time, she simply took it in and obeyed his coaching.

Despite her mind supposedly being clear and fixated on her turns, she couldn't help but allow her mind to wander a bit. She pondered how Sunghoon would look when he actually practised seriously because never has she seen him perform any tricks or moves for his solo.

For her real coach to entrust her to him, she wondered just how good he really was.

After her final take of her solo performance, she heard a round of applause which caused her head to turn towards the owners of the claps.

There stood Sunghoon still on the ice, however leaning on the side with his arms crossed. Well, for sure it wasn't him that applauded for her. Her eyes then landed on three people with bright smiles which caused a sense of relief inside her.

"You are definitely going to win." Jake continued to clap enthusiastically, even when the others stopped.

"I don't think it's a win-lose situation." Jay questioned his compliment, "Pretty sure according to Sunghoon, it's a ranking system."

"Okay, smartass." Jake sneered at his friend before turning back at Meiyon who was handed a bottle of water by Eva. "You are definitely placing first."

"Hahaha." Meiyon chuckled upon feeling flattered. "Thank you."

After Meiyon and Sunghoon had changed out of their skating attires, Eva finally spoke.

"Guys, how about we go out for dinner?" She looked at the people around her.

"I'm down!" Jake smiled and answered rather quickly.

Meiyong noticed the small smile Eva gave, even if she was trying to hide it.

"I'm okay too." Meiyon was last to reply after the males had agreed before her. "Wait but where's Haera?"

"In her stalker era." Eva sighed until she realised the other guys might not understand the context. "She's at the cafe."

Of course, Meiyon knew her friend's intention.

During dinner, she found herself sitting directly opposite Sunghoon. It was quite a pleasant sight but she did remind herself that they weren't exactly on friendly terms. Luckily, for now, Sunghoon had yet to make any remarks that triggered Meiyon.

Chatting about university, professors, and mostly campus gossip, Meiyon did not speak as much as she found herself busy eating. Whilst trying to listen to the tea at the same time, she suddenly noticed a hand reached out before her, leaving meat in her half-full bowl.

As perplexed as she was, her confusion was answered as he spoke for himself.

"You need to eat more. Your landings worry me." He said nonchalantly.

As annoyed as she was for him to pick up on her mistakes, he as her temporary coach was right. Meiyon felt a sense of acknowledgement for she also knew she had not been eating properly due to her juggling between university studies and practice.

"Thanks." She muttered under her breath but loud enough for him to hear.

"Eat." He directed her in one word. Though the word was short and sharp, his tone juxtaposed the direction; gentle tone.

Who knew annoying Sunghoon could be this thoughtful?

23/11/23 -- hello, i keep disappearing heheha

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