TWELVE: eliminate the stubborn bull

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Another week had past since her crazy ex's appearance. Maybe Sunghoon's acting skills were quite effective on him. However, it did make sense to her. Anyone with logic would know not to over step their boundaries anymore and, no one would want to have problems with someone like Sunghoon.

"Let's go to the cafe!" Haera initiated as they began to pack away their belongings.

Lucky for them, the class ended earlier than usual.

Just as they agreed to their friend's suggestion, Meiyon cursed in her head. Leaning against the wall outside of the lecture hall stood the most intolerable man.

Much more intolerable than Sunghoon.

Of course, someone with no sense of common sense, respect, or logic would only do the wrong thing.

"I am going to kill him." Eva could not believe the male that was approaching the three of them.

"Psycho is everywhere but his own university." Haera groaned in frustration.

"You don't give up do you?" Meiyon scoffed as she crossed her arms.

"Meiyon, I'm so sorry for cussing at you the other time. I didn't mean it."

"If only you were this determined to hold on to our relationship before." She dryly laughed, ignoring his apology.

"Why are you so desperate." Haera frowned at the crazy ex.

"She's all i ever want."

"Her? Or her clout? You just want her because she's perfect." Eva commented. "Someone like her deserves someone as flawless as her."

"Yeah definitely not you." Haera eyed him from head to toe in the most judgemental way.

"Is it him!?" Her crazy ex was beginning to lose his patience as his tone rose.

She was aware of his tempered and did not wish to cause a scene, thus made the decision to continue on her steps. However, what was new? His obsession with her was just as toxic as rat poison.

He reached out to grip onto her wrist with a fierce expression.

"Let go." Meiyon tried to maintain her composure and keep calm.

"Let go of her you bastard!" Haera tried to interfere as she tried to remove his grip on her friend.

"What is it that he has that i don't!?"

Suddenly, an empty can of coke had quite intentionally landed on his head. Upon such pressure on his head, his instinct signalled him to rub the back of his head as he turned angrily to find the culprit.


"Height," Sunghoon stood right in front to tower him, "Could be a starter."

"You again."

"Second time seeing you. Did you miss me that much?" Sunghoon smirked with his arms crossed.

"Like hell i would."

"Good, because i was getting worried you specifically paid a visit for me." His sarcasitc remark resulted to his other friends to laugh.

"You're not actually her boyfriend right."

Meiyon's eyes widened in fear as if her secret was out. Perhaps this was the only time, out of the entire relationship, he had really tried to use his brain.

"Yeah you're right." Sunghoon sighed as he went to stand beside Meiyon.

Even Haera and Eva were beginning to panic. They knew the relationship between them were not bright to begin with, so if Sunghoon sides with the crazy ex, it was not going to end well.

Sunghoon however, had other plans. "I'm actually her husband. We have 3 cats, 1 dog, and 2 children together." He leaned down to wrap his arms around her shoulders before resting his head on top of hers.

Everyone knew he was joking about being married, which triggered the crazy ex even more.

"You taste in men is utterly incredible. What a devoted man you have in front of you." He whispered into Meiyon's ears. "Too bad he's insane."

"I'm reporting you to the police if you don't leave right this moment. I am not kidding." Meiyon's stern voice had seemed to belittle her ex's anger. He was wise enough to know that she would always hold her words accountable.


Sunghoon began to approach him once again as he picked up the coke that he had initially used to aim at him. "I told you we were going to have problems." He forced the ex to hold onto the trash. "Next time, it would be a brick. Yes?"


"Wrong." His tone dropped from his sassy one to a much more serious one. "There will be no next time. If there is, you'll be gone. I mean it."

And with that, the crazy ex had finally given up and left.

Everyone in the crowd who were nosy and watching were all continuing on with their day and so the scene was finished.

"Husband act." Meiyon couldn't help but chuckle out. "You kept your words."

"I'm a man of my words." Sunghoon shrugged with his hands in his pocket.

"A keeper." Eva whispered teasingly into Meiyon's ears.

"Thanks again."

"Try to keep yourself out of trouble and focus on practicing." And so Sunghoon and his friends had left them alone.

"So cool." Haera was impressed by the immense amount of charisma he held.

Meiyon could only roll her eyes about him. But maybe, just a little bit, she was beginning to accept him more.

Little did she know, she was beginning to also look forward to every encounter with him, Park Sunghoon.

29/11/23 --> im hungry

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