TWENTY-FIVE: magical effect

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The annual Winter Festival held at HYBE university was close approaching. It was an anticipating event to look forward to as it was not only catered for the students studying at HYBE, but also inclusive to the general public. Thus, it was a time for everyone to have fun with friends and families.

"I am impressed." Coach Yoon grinned widely at her two pupils catching their breath. "It's like the awkward tension between you two had finally vanished."

Maybe it was because they have been spending more time together, or maybe it was because the finals were tensing the atmosphere -- but whatever it was interferring with their practice previously, it was gone.

"Best practice yet." Coach Yoon began collecting her belonging. "I hope you two keep this chemistry up and skate well this Friday!" She waved them a a sign of dismissal.

"Thank goodness." Meiyon clasped her hands together in relief. "The storm is now gone."

"Only if the weather stays sunny." Sunghoon laughed at the girl's dramatic metaphor. "We'll be fine."

"Of course we will." Meiyon shrugged confidentally. "What can we expect from us."

"You're right." Sunghoon played along as they changed back into their sneakers.

Suddenly, an unexpected visitor had showed up with a smile on his face.

"Hey seniors. How is practice going?" Sunoo made his way to his two seniors.

"Really good actually." Meiyon stood up. "Coach is finally satisfied with our practice."

"That's good!" Sunoo gave his thumbs up of encouragement.

"What's up?" Meiyon asked.

"Nothing much. I just thought I would drop by before heading to my next class." Sunoo explained. "Do you want to have lunch together?"

Though Meiyon was going to kindly turn his offer down, the third party had beat her to it.

"Sorry pretty boy," Sunghoon gently placed his hand on the topo of Meiyon's head. "She's booked for the rest of the day."

It didn't take long for Sunoo to figure out what he meant. Thus, without any further interrogation, Sunoo had laughed and made an excuse up to overlap his lunch suggestion.

"So?" Meiyon looked up at the male who had yet to remove his hand.

"Time to hit the gym." Sunghoon watched Sunoo give him one last wave with a mischevious smile.

Expecting something jolly, hitting the gym was definitely not on her agenda today. But he wasn't wrong, she needed to stay fit before the performance.

"Ugh." She groaned out of frustration as she began stomping away like a little child.

'Cute', was what Sunghoon had thought to himself.


Sometimes, Meiyon's mind worked a little strangely.

Perhaps that's why intellectual people tend to be more curious about their wonders.

"Please let me try your part." Meiyon trailed behind Sunghoon who was trying to avoid her contact.

"So you can steal my position?" Sunghoon began fastening his pace.

"Maybe?" Meiyon smiled widely. "You can try mine!"

"I'll pass."

"I don't."

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