NINE: on a good day...

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Today was one of those good days where her practice was satisfactory, as were Sunghoon's comments. Stepping out of the building, she wondered why her backpack felt strangely light. Luckily, she was smart enough to think before taking more footsteps as she realised she had left her entire laptop on one of the benches.

Eagerly going back to claim her laptop again, she was brought to a state of shock upon seeing Sunghoon soar in the air; triple axel. She couldn't help but feel in awe for she had never met anyone personally who could do a clean triple axel besides her coaches.

Maybe she should've become a coach as it seemed to run in their requirements.

Sunghoon on the other hand, was oblivious to the single audience who was now too stunned to leave quietly. Just as the music ended, he took a deep breath before meeting eyes with a frozen girl who was supposed to be gone a while ago.

At first instinct, he had assumed she had something important to ask him, thus causing him to skate straight towards her. However, upon seeing her quick movements as she fetched her laptop and clumsily unzipped her bag, he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Stalker." He smirked as she struggled to zip her bag back.

"I just left my laptop." She replied without turning back at him.

"That's not what your expression said when you were watching." His smirk grew.

"Oh really?" She finally turned around to see the awfully attractive skater smirking. "What did my expression tell you?"

"That you were head over heels for me." He laughed towards the end.

Speechless at his quirky response, she could only blink wordlessly before saying, "You wish."

"Get home safe." He speaks as he rests his chin on his hand on the edge of the bars.

"Practice hard." She rolled her eyes, however trying to suppress her smile.

"Bye princess." He stood up again before returning back to the centre of the ice rink.

Shaking her head, she left with a light heart. It wasn't until she had walked past a reflection that she caught herself smiling.

A good day indeed.

25/11/2023 --> sleep schedule is so beautiful. It's almost 3AM.

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