A Different Shade of Pink Part 2: The Power is Back

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I spent the course of a few days recovering at the Angel Grove Hospital. Often I laid to rest hearing footsteps of the many doctors as they marched back and forth outside. Part of me couldn't resist the urge to leave the facility and help my friends thwart off any evil lurking in our city. However, I did realize the quality of my health came first. I said my prayers with the intent of healing at one hundred percent capacity, and I stood by my word.

The day came when the medical chief of staff announced my test results to ensure I was mobile enough to leave. We ran a CAT scan to observe potential damage that could have a long lasting effect from my brain. Thankfully, not a severe blow had been detected. The chief thanked me for my cooperation towards everyone that had helped me in this time of crisis.

I was escorted out into the halls making my way towards the reception desk. I clocked out of the hospital using the log sheet attached to the clipboard provided. As I was about to leave, it was a matter of time as Bulk and Skull startled me from behind.

"It's so great to see you back on your feet Kim," Bulk said.

"Guys, I didn't think you were still around," I responded in an awkward manner. For all the times they've been harassing us, I was amused to see them showcase a good sense of heart.

"We didn't mean to scare you Kim. We wouldn't be doing our jobs if we didn't have to monitor the top floor of this hospital," Skull chimed in on the response.

"Bulk and I want to express our condolences to our fellow friend who has saved our butts more times than we can count. We may be silly dorks bumbling around the area. All it matters is we're really glad you're better now," Bulk said, getting straight to the point.

"Thanks guys. Now I can finally go out and enjoy the warm breeze," I told them. "How are you two today?"

"We couldn't have been, well better," Bulk stammered for a bit but he managed to complete his sentence. It was that instant I noticed them carrying a bouquet of pink flowers at hand.

"You guys brought me flowers?" Curiosity sprung to mind as I saw Skull holding them in front of me.

"We were hoping to drop by to send you our way of a 'get well' present. Being the clumsy duo we are, it took a little awhile before we got around to lend them to you," Skull explained. As he prepared to hand them over, little did he realize he was about to lose grip. Luckily, it took Angel Grove's finest police lieutenant to channel his inner wide receiver as he intercepted the bouquet of flowers that landed in his grasp.

"Unless I'm mistaken, I'm sure you two have some patrolling to do by the reception area." Lt. Stone snuck up from behind startling them right then and there.

"Lieutenant, we weren't expecting you," Skull chuckled, much to Bulk's displeasure.

"Yeah right Skull," Bulk rolled his eyes with absurdity.

"It's great to see you're fine and well Kimberly," Lt. Stone offered me with his condolence.

"You guys are so kind. It hasn't been easy these past few days but it feels good to be up on my feet again," I thanked them with a compliment of my own.

"Now that's the spirit," he said. "When I got into the police force, it wasn't easy. I passed out during the first day of boot camp training. I had no water and I was completely dehydrated. But my aspiration to commit to my profession is what convinced me to continue pushing forward. With a young woman this determined, I'm sure you could make a fine candidate as one of Angel Grove's finest patrol officers." That comment alone sparked an interest I never thought Lt. Stone would factor in.

"Lieutenant, I don't know what to say. It's quite the offer to consider," I said.

"Oh you should see her sir. She defended us from a bunch of putties when they were terrorizing Angel Grove," Bulk reminded me of the time I spent hanging with Uncle Steve.

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