The Power of Love

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Love is such a powerful term to describe chemistry between two folks intimate with one another. When I first met Tommy, it was during a Karate competition that spotlighted his talent in front of a live audience. I could remember that fire blazing in his eyes; the determination and sheer will in his performance, putting what he learned to the test. I was enamored by his efforts to a point in which my heart melted like an ice cream sundae beneath the red summer sun. That's how much affection I had on him. I never looked back.

Tommy had just moved to Angel Grove to live with his uncle. I provided him with a grand tour around the school just when he struggled to figure out where to go for his classes. During the very first interaction we had, it felt surprisingly genuine; No awkward pauses or body postures that had us feeling uncomfortable standing next to each other. I've had a habit of making fast friends. Being courteous and friendly were the two key ingredients when it came to socializing with new people. I didn't brag so much thinking we were match made in heaven. Just from the joy I saw from his face gave me the first impression that we shared something special.

As our relationship continued to grow, there was always going to be that special someone willing to sever that connection. When they brainwashed Tommy to become the evil Green Ranger, it pained me. Though I didn't know at the time, just the demeanor from his eyes as opposed to his sincere compassion when we first met should have been a clear indicator something wasn't right. He annihilated me and my friends as a desperation move by Rita Repulsa to thwart us off. Not only that but under her influence, he went about as far as laying damage inside the Command Center, severing communication with Zordon. Thankfully, hope wasn't lost when we found a way to restore operations and figure out a strategy to defeat the evil Green Ranger. By retrieving Tommy's Sword of Darkness, we used his tactics against him to free him out of Rita's spell. Next thing you know, he became part of our team and the rest as they say is history.

As time went on, it became clear that the Green Ranger would be Rita and Zedd's number one target. I came to learn that his dragon coin would only last a substantial amount of life. The Green Candle was the source of Tommy's ranger powers. When the ever engulfing flame withered, he would no longer be able to morph. Even when Zordon decided to transfer some of his life energy for Tommy to remain as the Green Ranger, nothing could last forever. When Tommy returned from his vacation, Zordon and Alpha quietly worked on a project that involved the creation of the White Tiger Power Ranger.

When I thought a number of setbacks prevented him from continuing his duties, lord and behold. Since he arrived, our bond blossomed overtime. When Rita and her minions had a hand in destroying my parade float, I was distraught. I worked hours upon hours to construct the best one yet. But when I thought I couldn't reach the deadline, Tommy provided a big comfort to uplift my spirit. Before you know it, he lent a helping hand enough to get my floats submitted on time. What started off as a flirtatious meeting would soon shift into a direction that brought out our affection for one another.

Our tenure as Power Rangers played a heavy hand in our establishing bond. That instant we shared our kiss on the arch bridge of Angel Grove Park, a spark ignited from the corner of our eyes. It was a special moment that struck our hearts like no other. I felt a rush of green energy transfer over to mine. When we agreed to go to our first dance, I felt like the happiest girl on the planet. It was like hearing a display of fireworks setting off across the stars and constellations that scattered across the evening sky. Just seeing the glimmer from his eyes indicated his compassion towards me. There was no doubt in our minds we had it in for each other.

As unique as our relationship has been, it also came with a set of obstacles. Even as Power Rangers, an army of outside forces would do anything in their power to sabotage us. Rita and Zedd would be no exception. I'll never forget that time they orchestrated a plot to place us under a spell to get Tommy and me to hate each other, not once but twice. They have had a habit of making us out to be spiteful to our peers. They would do anything to destroy our reputation both as rangers and as human beings. Since their marriage, they have utilized as much ammunition possible to destroy us; not just physically on the outside but emotionally on the inside. It amazes me how we've managed to maintain our sense of humility.

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