Until We Meet Again.

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The time had come as the final flight to Jacksonville came fast approaching. Coach Schmidt provided assistance with some of our luggage we brought along to the trip. After retrieving them from the conveyor, we approached the alarm detector as security examined our belongings for inspection. It was a lengthy process but one to ensure there were no suspicious items that may endanger any passengers upon boarding the plane. The security officer gave us their seal of approval as we proceeded towards the waiting area.

"That terminal ahead from us should open in just about any moment. Are you excited?" He wondered.

"It's been a dream come true. The only downside is it won't be the same without my friends being there in attendance," I spoke in an honest manner.

"Just remember what we went over and you'll do fine. Keep the faith," Schmidt reassured.

"Thanks Coach," I said.

"Kim," I overheard Tommy's voice while he and the rest of my friends gathered.

"There were barely any parking spaces in the visitors' lot. We're just glad we made it here on time," he explained.

"Right on time you guys," I reacted with excitement.

"It wouldn't feel right without a proper hug from us," Rocky said.

Schmidt smiled. "It's a pleasure to have all of you here today."

"I'll say this. Kim and I have hit the gym every week to make sure we're in tip top shape. I have no doubt you're looking at a top tier talent when it's all said and done," Aisha told him.

"I don't know what else to say. You've all been the most wonderful people I've ever met, and I wouldn't trade that for the world. Sometimes life can be full of surprises. I'll be back when the time is right." As much as it pains me to bid farewell, keeping their hopes up was the way to go. I clung to the fact that even if I won't see my friends for a while, it doesn't necessarily mean they're out of my life for good. It was that strong sense of bonding that will keep our friendship intact no matter how far apart we are in the months to come.

"Don't leave us Kim!" I overheard Bulk and Skull shouting my name from nearby.

"I didn't think you two would pop up from our radar," Kat took note of their presence.

"No matter anywhere we go, nine times out of ten they're lurking someplace where you least expected," Aisha was spot on. To be fair, these two had their share of good intentions in making a difference to protect and serve this city.

"Well for one thing, Lt. Stone gave us the day off from patrolling duty. It wouldn't feel right to not see our closest companion leave after all the good deeds she's done for us," Bulk said.

"No kidding. Even if we tend to have a habit of annoying you guys, we mean well. I mean, the Power Rangers inspired us to do good for our community which is why we agreed to join the junior police force," Skull added.

"I never thought I'd say this. It really means a lot to us standing here." My heart sank into a sorrow of happiness. I've come to appreciate the folks that stood by me, shaping up to be the person I am today.

"You've not only been a wonderful roommate but you're the sister I never had. Wish you the best Kimberly." Aisha and I shared a heartfelt embrace to cherish the influence our friendship has impacted us.

"I may have known you for a long time. We just want to let you know we're happy for you, and we hope you do well in Florida," Billy said.

"Whenever you're off the hour training, feel free to write up with a post card. We'd love to hear about your adventures over there," Adam encouraged.

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