Thank You For Being a Friend

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This is it. For two years, I've fought against an alliance of intergalactic creatures threatening to destroy the beauty that nature created. Every monster that Zedd and Rita have deployed have attempted to spread havoc everywhere they went. When the world needed them the most, the Power Rangers would be there to even the score.

The past few weeks have been exhausting for all of us. It's astounding through thick and thin we survived through the wreckage that left us hanging by a thread. When it boils down to our roles as Power Rangers, it's more than being capable in combat. You have to factor in effective use of strategy and cooperation among peers. Good judgment - the ability to go with your gut in terms of making reasonable decisions in life is also a plus. The Pan Global Games were around the corner and I couldn't be more excited than what's laid before me. But with a golden opportunity comes a price. I've valued my tenure as a ranger with dignity and pride. As the event was held hundreds and hundreds of miles away, I had to make a choice: Stay in Angel Grove and maintain ranger duty or accept the offer by going the route I never thought I would take.

And so the day came. I passed my pink power coin over to a fellow newcomer turned friend Katherine. I felt that surge of pink energy being extracted from my body; it was that sensation which fueled my molecular structure every day I stepped out of the door. Never would I imagine there came a day when I relinquished my powers in favor of an opportunity I've dreamt about since I was little. As this signified the end of my tenure in the Command Center begins to mark the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

I was up in my bedroom packing up all my remaining clothes for the trip. Moving into Aisha's house had been a blast. Her parents were kind and courteous to welcome me into their lives. It reminded me of my younger days when my parents coexisted without the need to spite one another. Having Aisha around really left an impact on me. Her cheerful yet fun loving personality helped keep my spirits up even after Trini left. The more we got to know each other, the more I realized how much we tend to have in common. Shopping was a no brainer for sure. We've participated in fitness classes during our free time to educate ourselves about the importance of exercise while maintaining a healthy diet. That's not all. Every Saturday night, we've had numerous sleepovers during the weekends watching romantic comedies through Aisha's VHS collection. It was quite the experience. Even though my mother moved out of the country with her boyfriend, I stayed behind to remain closer to my friends while committing to my ranger duties. Who would've realized I'm about to travel away from California to perform in one of the biggest sporting events in the world?

As I finished packing, I took a glimpse at the picture frame on a countertop table next to the lamp. This photo brings back memories when Billy and I alongside old friends Jason, Zack, and Trini participated at a charity race in Angel Grove Park. Outside of ranger duty, we did our part in contributing to our community. Whether it meant helping out the homeless by donating to a food drive or cleaning up trash to prevent pollution, we'd go out our way to volunteer in the best way we could. Much of my childhood I've spent living here I referred to as home.

Speaking of the trio, it's been quite awhile since I last heard from them. We've spent the entire year exchanging letters to keep us posted on our lives. Simply put, the Peace Conference has been a gathering of young kids like us participating in a meeting to discuss our ways to improve our global environment. While it's great to hear from them every now and then, it just doesn't have the same impact as having an in-person chat. If only there was advanced technology to help bring us closer in some form, it would help juggle around my priorities easier.

I put aside the frame, sealing it inside of a cardboard box filled with a plethora of other memorabilia. As I overheard footsteps from outside, I turned around to find Billy standing by the corner of my room.

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