Running From Gallifrey

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  • Dedicated to My Lovely Fellow Whovians

I knew that life was escaping me, my breath was shallow and slow. I knew that around me, my planet was burning and dying. I gasped and choked as my body contorted in pain. Soon my gasps turned to screams and the Dalek got closer. Closer and closer it came, it was Dalek Caan. 

"EXTERMINATE!" he yelled and shot at me. Again the laser hit, and again I contorted in pain. I felt my left heart stop beating and I yelped, trying to stand again. I fell straight down to the ground and Caan laughed his electronic laugh as he rolled off to find his master. Once my right heart started to slow I knew that I had to leave. The heat of my burning home was making me sweat as I slipped trying to stand. I gulped and one name came into my mind. The Doctor. I took a deep breath, I needed to find him and I needed to find him soon. I loved him, married or not. 

I slipped my arms underneath my body and slowly pushed myself up. A deep breath rumbled and shuddered through my body as I stood up. I looked to both sides and saw Gallifrey burning before my eyes. Tears threatened to escape my eyes but I wouldn't allow it, not until I regenerated far away from here. I saw my home, by the edge of the city, and I headed in that direction. As quickly as possible I went into my burning home. I turned the corner into my bedroom, fire burned outside, all of my family was out there in Arcadia fighting. Only a select few were chosen to look after Gallifrey, we had failed. Gallifrey was burning and it was all my fault! My body contorted, organs were quitting inside of me, I needed to regenerate, now. 

I reached for the key on my neck and walked towards the tall blue 1950's Public Call Box. My TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimensions in Space). I slipped and fell inside and headed for the controls in the middle of the very large room. Bigger on the inside than the outside. I smiled but it fell the moment I felt my right heart slow to almost nothing. I pushed buttons, flipped switches, and pulled levers and I was soon on my way to a whole new planet far away. Already I was in the Time Vortex, leaving my dying planet behind me, Daleks and Cybermen marching through the flames. I was a coward. 

My thoughts ended and my arms started to shoot bright yellow streams of colour. My head shot back and did the same. I felt the sharpest of pains but finally I blinked new eyes. I didn't know what I looked like, I only knew that I had a totally new look. I sighed, knowing that I would pass out any minute from so much change and activity around me. I looked around my TARDIS, my walls the same as usual with live images of galaxies and stars and planets all over them. The floors were glass so I could look down at the light blue and green colours swirling like water.

My bedroom was down one hallway, that hallway split and there was a guest room at the end of it. A doorway a little ways away was a loo\bathroom place, since everyone calls the place where the toilet is differently I will just call it the toilet-room. But yeah, the toilet-room is over there across from the bedrooms. My control console was in the middle room of all this, a huge blue tube shooting straight up and down, controls surrounding it. I grinned and felt blackness tugging at me. I needed to do one thing before I was to pass out. 

I looked on my control console and my eyes went for the monitor, my TARDIS was taking me exactly where I wanted to go. Wherever the Doctor was going. A planet called Earth. Then I fell to the ground, completely unconscious. 

Hope you all liked it! I got the idea when I was watching a Doctor Who marathon while school was out. Vote, Comment, and Fan :D

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