Exterminate, Count the Shadows, and Don't Blink

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Three months later and Tim and I are still off on adventures. We haven't seen Jack yet along the way, and we haven't seen the Doctor either, but we have met a load of people and aliens from all over the universe. Ever since Lulu, Tim and I really haven't spoken of that kiss. I mean, it wasn't. It was just a genetic transfer, but I could tell that he felt something before. And I had too... I try to ignore any lovey feelings I may have for the boy. He's fantastic really, I care so bloody much for him I don't think I could anymore, but he's human. If anything came up like that between he and I... well, he grow up, grow old, and I would stay exactly the same except for regenerations.

"Writer! What's for today?" I heard Tim call from the other room, snapping me out of my slight trance. My head popped up and I spun around to face him standing there in the kitchen doorway. 

"Well, I was thinking we could head to this one certain planet because if I am correct I just got a physic paper message telling me to go to these coordinates!" I said with a laugh and typed in the numbers into the monitor. 

"Oh really? Well, where are we headed then?" He asked me with a laugh and jumped over to join me. 

"No idea! Vas-y!" I yelled and the two of us in the TARDIS were shot off towards one of the farther planets we've been to yet! 

"WRITER!!" I heard Tim yell as we kept shooting off, he slowly moved towards me and soon enough we were wrapped around each other, trying to stay standing and not fly off to the opposite side of the room. After about a minute the TARDIS started to slow down and we weren't at lightspeed anymore. Much more roomy now. I turned around and gave Tim my biggest and goofiest smile. 

"That was fantastic!" I screamed and started running around the room, pressing buttons and such to see what was outside before we landed. 

"That was completely mad..." he muttered as he watch me run about. 

"Ok Timmy, seems like we are... Right outside of the galaxy of Neitia and closest to the planet Kraffetiaetalomanio. Nope make that Kraffeitalomania. And the TARDIS is on a course for a ship just outside of the galaxy!" I said with a smile on my face, reading the monitor. 

"Are you sure?" Tim asked me from the other side of the console.

"I am positive! Why?" I asked him and jumped over to join him at the cameras so we could see outside. 

"Well, it seems as if we're heading for a Time Vortex of some sort!" He yelped and I looked at the picture. My eyes widened. 

"Come on, Tim. Hold on tight!" I screamed as we were shot off again at lightspeed. Everything bumping around, everything screeching and loosening, and it only took a few seconds before everything froze so instantly that Tim and I were slapped against the middle of the console and fell back onto the ground. I was lying on top of him. Of course. "Well hello again, Timmy! Are you ok?" I laughed as I stood up, dragging him up with me. He was laughing as well and he nodded along with me. 

"Where'd we go?" he asked me, looking over around the consule for the monitor. 

I shrugged and walked around the panels towards the screen that he was looking at. The moment I saw it I almost fainted. I turned to him, my eyes as wide as they could possibly get. 

"HA! Hahaha!" I laughed "Oh Tim, I know where we are! This is my torture! Oh they sent me here on purpose. I didn't think any were left until I saw the Doctor and I saw a few of his memories and saw them there but then I freaked out slightly and just forgot about it until now! Oh they're looking for me!" 

"Who, Writer?" Tim asked in confusion. 

I snarled and stared at the monitor, my lip curling into a sneer "Daleks... We're in the seventh galaxy and right above planet Sakro. If we land then we'll both burn from the ever-raining acid. Why do they want us here..." I muttered, almost all to myself. 

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