Stuck in the House of The Master

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I heard the sound of the TARDIS materialising and I went over and looked to make sure that the Master was asleep. I had kissed him earlier after I had slipped a sleeping capsule into my mouth just before. He was out cold. I grinned slyly and walked out of the TARDIS silently and stealthily. I blinked and my eyes had opened to the sight of rural 1913 England. I was going to cry, my eyes were watering, the TARDIS just had to land right in front of Tim's school.... I shook my head, blinking away tears, and walked on back towards the old garden shed where my own TARDIS was parked. I walked off into the woods, thankfully the boys were all away to help with the war now... My thoughts were then snapped off the moment I heard the sound. A heartbeat, not a Time Lord's, but a normal human one. I grinned like an idiot and ran off in the direction of it. 

Sure enough I found the owner of the heartbeat and an old garden shed loomed over me, much older than it had been before. My lovely TARDIS. I carefully pulled my key from my coat pocket and slipped it into the lock, TARDIS purred. I sighed happily and opened the door. She was silent for maybe a moment until I saw her lights flicker on as she woke up. 

"I'm back, darling. I'm home!" I called and spun around the room, she knew that it was me, even with my new face. I grinned widely. "Ok, let's find me some clothes shall we?" 

Suddenly, a huge line of clothing flew from the ceiling and down to the centre console, suddrounding me. I looked around the room, most everything was very dressy until I reached one row of clothing. Here there were jeans, t-shirts, sneakers, flats, jackets, hoodies, jumpers, and I even saw a few trench coats. I grabbed a pair of blue jeans, some converse, and a TARDIS blue trench-coat. I was in love with the outfit, and it seemed to go with my now very short hair. 

"Come on, TARDIS, off to year one-hundred trillion!" I called but she shuddered for a moment and then the doors slammed open suddenly. 

"Writer!" A voice screamed loudly. I spun around instantly, standing there was the Master in his full angry glory. 

"Hello, Darling. I didn't think that you'd wake up yet!" I exclaimed with a fake smile, walking back over to him. 

"Writer, what have you done?" He demanded, storming over towards me. 

"I'm sorry, but I needed my baby back!" I said with a slight pout. He shook his head slightly and closed the distance between us, leaning against the wall beside me. 

"You were trying to leave, Darling." he said. 

"I would never! I just wanted to see my baby!" I argued and stuck my bottom lip out a bit. He rolled his eyes and wrapped me up in his arms. 

"Come along, Darling. We're heading back to the twenty-first century." he proclaimed and started to walk me away from the controls but I dug my feet down so that I wouldn't be moved any farther. 

"Master, please!" I begged. "Please, let me keep my TARDIS. I'll hook her up to the Doctor's and you can tow us anywhere you wish."

He questioned this in his mind, he was thinking hard of it, although his thoughts were interrupted by the drums again. His fingers started to tap the four beats of a Time Lord's heart.

"Fine," he breathed and walked out of the TARDIS, just like that! I grinned but then it dropped the moment that I felt my TARDIS lurch, making me fall towards the rails. He had actually hooked up my TARDIS to the Doctor's and as I could tell, we were probably in the Time Vortex since I had heard the TARDIS' both dematerialise. I think they missed having another TARDIS nearby, my own was purring like a cat although she was being pulled against her will. 

"I bet you missed her, TARDIS. It's been a while since we've seen her!" I muttered to my TARDIS and her reply was a few flickers and clicks around the room. I grinned and walked over to my own comfortable seats and sat down to relax for a few minutes before we reached our place and time needed. All of a sudden the TARDIS came to a quick stop, carefully bumping into the Doctor's, and then finally we began to materialise. I took a deep breath, lots and lots of excitement was growing outside from the sound of it, many people were screaming and yelling and... cheering? I shook my head and trodded over to the controls where the monitor was. I looked outside through that screen and a lot of people were in a large crowd outside of a house that we seemed to have landed in. The screen shifted and it then pointed to where I was really. The Master had taken me straight into the home of the Prime Minister, him. Then suddenly the door was flung open and in walked the Master in all of his glory. 

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