chapter three

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I stood there dumbfounded. I banged against the lockers and slid to the floor. I heard footsteps, and looked up. It was Zeke, what now? "I love you." He said smiling. I didn't say anything. "I said i love you got damnit!!" he said loudly. I nodded. The next thing I know I'm being dragged in the air by the front of my sweatshirt. "Put me down you asshole!!" I screamed and smacked him in the face. He slammed me against the lockers, "I'M TRYING OKAY!?!" He walked away angrily. I fell to my knees and held my chest. I wanted to cry, but i couldn't.

When I got home, i laid on my bed. Usually I would call Zeke, but I was scared to. What happened today? Why did he freakout like that? He's never done that before. I got up and walked to my kitchen. My phone rang. It was Zeke. "Hello?" I spoke softly. "Come to the park now!!" He slammed the phone down. I was scared to go. I called Adam, my bestie, to come and give me some comfort. "Hello?" his voice was soft and innocent. "Hey, Zeke kinda freaked outon me today. He wants me to meet him at the park but i just don't know. I'm kinda scared. Will you come walk over there with me?" He said sure and I waited for him to come pick me up.

I heard the door bell ring. I jumped off the couch, flung the door open and threw myself into his arms. "Hey!! How you been?" He hugged me and I said, "Hangin in there." We walked to the park and talked about school. When we got there, Zeke was sitting on the swing with his ex Regan. I rolled my eyes and looked at Adam. He rolled his and whispered, "He loves you. Don't let it get to you. Okay?" I had to smile. He always cheered me up. "Why did you have to bring that idiot?" Zeke said with a snotty voice. "Why did you bring that one?" I said pointing at Regan.

Regan stood up and charged to me. I tried to back up and trippped. Adam stepped in front of Regan and said, "You want him? You go through me first!" Regan backed off. Zeke didnt say anything. "You're just gonna sit there? You didn't even get up to try and stop him! he tried to hit me!! What's gotten into you!!" I was screaming at Zeke almost in tears. We had dated for a year and hes never treated me like this. What's going on? Zeke stood up and said, "Whatever Kayleb I don't need your crybaby bullcrap. Come on Regan." Tears welt up in my eyes as he walked away. Adam lifted me off the ground. He held me in his arms for a second, and then I heard, "GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!!" I swung around and got punched in the face.

I gasped and grabbed my mouth. "REALLY JERK?!?!?!?" Adam screamed. The next thing I know, Adam and Zeke are fighting. "Stop it!!" I screamed. I saw Regan looking at me with a sneaky look on his face. He walked towards me and I ran. I ran as fast as I could. He somehow caught up to me and pinned me to the ground. "Please don't hurt me!" I said pleadingly as he smashed my face harder into the ground. "Oh, I won't!" He said and he dragged me off the ground. He punched me in the face twice. What did I ever do to him? He punched me in the gut and I heard frantic footsteps. I fell to the ground and held onto my stomach.

"Oh my god! Come on. Let's go get you cleaned up." It was Adam. He lifted me up, and slung me on his back. He walked to his house and opened the door. He gently laid me on the couch. "Adam? Why do you care about me so much?"I asked curiously. He caressed my cheek. "Because I love you. I always have." He walked away. I laid there for a second, then I got up and went to the bathroom. Adam was there. He looked at me and through the mirror and smiled. I stood next to him and he put me up on the counter. He pulled his hood over his head and dabbed my bloody nose with a wet towel.

He put the towel in the dirty clothes hamper and lifted up my shirt. There was a huge bruise right near my rib. He fel around my ribs for a little bit. It hurt every once in a while. "None of them are broken. You are okay" He said softly. I looked down nervously. "What's wro-" I cut him off by kissing him. He finally backed away and looked at me like I was stupid. "What about Zeke?" He asked. I pulled out my phone and showed him the messaege from Zeke saying, "its ovr" He smiled, so I smiled.

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