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"Are you sure about staying?" Johnny asked me as he prepared to leave.

"Don't worry about me." I reassured him while I diligently worked away on my laptop. "I think it's best if one of us stays behind, anyway there's a few leads I want to look into."

"I'm your older brother of course I'm going to worry, not to mention this is the first time you're a part of the undercover team."

"What? You don't think I can handle myself?" I looked up from my laptop with an unimpressed expression.

"The opposite." He crossed his arms, staring blankly at me. "I know you can handle yourself and as a result you can get in over your head sometimes. Just promise me you won't go looking for any trouble."

I scoffed, offended by his statement. "When have I ever went looking for trouble?" I took a moment to reflect on my past actions, immediately retracting my statement. "You know what, don't answer that."

"Why do I have the feeling that you are up to something?" He shook his head.

"I am not, I swear." I raised my hands up defensively. "I'm just looking into a few leads but thats all. If something comes up thats worth mentioning you are the first person I'll tell. You know I can't do this with out you anyway."

He uncrossed his arms and sighed. "Promise me you wont do anything stupid while I'm gone."

"I promise." I closed my laptop and stood up. "Now go." I said while lightly pushing him towards the door. "If you miss this flight consider the mission over."

"But I still got three hours left."

"Better early than sorry."

"You're right." He began to overthink. "What if there is traffic on the way there? I should've left an hour ago."

"You better hurry." I rushed him while setting his shoes in front of him.

He nodded and slipped them on while grabbing his small carry on bag.

"Stay safe." He ruffled my hair before rushing out the door.

"Hurry." I yelled as the door slowly closed behind him. "And don't forget to message me when you land."

When I was sure he was gone I let out a small laugh. It would take Johnny 15 minutes at max to reach the airport but he was so easy to convince other wise. The truth was that I needed to prepare for my date with Haechan this afternoon. I had less than an hour to get ready after receiving a message last night with instructions to wear formal attire. This date was already beginning to be more of a challenge than I had accounted for.

After applying some neutral toned makeup and curling my hair with loose waves, I heard a light knock at the door. I quickly stumbled my way to the front door and was immediately greeted by a delivery man pushing a large box on a dolly.

"Delivery for a Ms. eh..." He looked down at his clipboard. "Moon Hyerim?"

"That's me." I showed him my alias identification card to prove my identity.

"Could you please sign right here." He handed me the clip board and pointed to a blank line at the bottom of the form.

After signing the form, the man moved the heavy box inside. Once he was gone, I opened up the box, immediately reading the note that was taped to the inside.

I know it's a lot more than what you asked for but I'm sure it will all come in useful.

              - Agent Kim
                        ( Jungwoo)

I immediately pulled out my phone and texted Agent Kim my gratitude.


Thanks again for everything |
You're a life saver !! |

I didn't expect a reply anytime soon but was surprised when I saw three dots appear on my screen right away.

Agent Kim:
| No problem. I'm here if you need anything else.

:] |


I smiled to myself as I put my phone away. After consulting with Agent Kim last night about the need for a formal dress, I was surprised that he was able to gather an entire box of formal and semi formal attire on such short notice. I was much more impressed by his ability to have everything delivered as quick as it was. Since the undercover operation formally began the night of the Gala, the rest of my team and I had to limit our contact with each other aside from the zoom meetings that took place from our encrypted laptops. As protocol would have it, no physical contact with each other would be made unless required by our undercover identities or circumstance. Luckily, Agent Kim was able to help me without the rest of my team or NIS members knowing.

After looking through the box of gorgeous clothing, I finally settled on a long navy blue velvet dress. The dress hugged my hips perfectly, loosening up into a flowy fabric beneath the knees. Not much skin was exposed, but the off the shoulder design and tight fit was more than enough needed to radiate a 'sexy' energy.

Without wasting any time, I made sure I was waiting by the giant water fountain outside of the apartment building's entrance by 3:00 pm.

"Wow you look...wow."

My gaze immediately shifted towards the familiar voice. I felt myself blush when I saw Haechan, who dare I say didn't look half bad himself.

Damn it y/n, Why are you blushing?

"Yea, whatever." I rolled my eyes. "Why do I have to dress so formal anyways? Where exactly do you plan on taking me?"

Haechan chuckled and gestured for me to take his arm.

"Dinner and a show." He said as he walked me towards a beautiful black Rolls-Royce. All I could think of was how much Johnny would kill to drive such a car.

"Well not in that order."  Haechan spoke again, pulling me out of my thoughts. "First we'll attend an art exhibition, a close friend of mind is actually the artist." He added the second part excitedly. "After, we have reservations for my favorite French restaurant in the city. I've reserved for us the best table overlooking the night skyline."

"You sure have everything planned out don't you."

"Of course I do." He stated while opening the car door for me, lending a helping hand so that my long dress would not become dirty.  "A perfect date for the perfect girl."


It's been so long since my last update.
: ( Sorry for the long wait. Next update will be coming soon so please look forward to it, things will start to become more interesting.

Also, don't forget to stream Favorite <3

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