9:Mpaja Controls

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She winced in pain which caused her to lose balance and fell to the ground.

  As she fell down,some kids that were around saw what happened and rushed to the scene. They were surprised at seeing a little girl on the ground and the gang members laughing their heads off. "WHAT DID YOU DO BILLY?! THAT'S A CHILD! HOW MUCH OF AN A-HOLE DO YOU HAVE TO BE?!" A girl from the crowd yelled and rushed to get the English siblings and a teacher. "Is she dead?!" Someone hollered. Mpaja couldn't take it. She cant have her sister that just FELL FROM A TREE AND GETTING LAUGHED AT cry in pain. Fortunately,Malay fell from a position that wasnt that wasnt high enough to give her serious injuries. Mpaja checked her sister and realized that she was unconscious but only had a broken arm,thankfully. But she couldn't let this happen and she wasnt even helping.

  So she reverted to the next thing. Control. Take over her body. Do it. For her....

  Suddenly,Malay stirred from unconsciousness looking like she wanted to commit murder. Because she did. Not actually her but she did.

  Everyone was scared at what they saw. Even the English siblings,teacher even Phil and Indo who followed the English siblings was scared. 'Malay' was looking at the bullies with the face of a serial killer,bloodshot eyes stared at them. Her right eye turned black in colour and three stars glowed brightly. Just like Mpaja.
She suddenly transformed into her tiger form and charged at the bullies,noone daring to intervene fearing that they would be the girl's next prey.

  "I HATE YOU! WHY DID YOU DO THIS?! GET A LIFE MORONS!" 'Malay' cursed at her preys scratching them not even caring about the blood on her claws. In reality,Mpaja was the one who was doing all this. Malay would be too nice and innocent to even attack an insect. Everyone watched in horror,whispering comments to each other on the fight. Indo,Phil and the English siblings tried to stop the fight but got held back by the teacher and some students. The teacher volunteered on stopping the fight as he was the teacher. "Hey,Malay! Its me,come here please,stop this. Violence isnt the answer" he pleaded for Malay to stop. Mpaja/Malay just looked at him and said:

  "TELL THAT BULL—— TO THESE GUYS!" she pointed to the already crying and badly injured boys laying on the ground too tired to do anything anymore. Then she jumped at the teacher and scratched him. "MALAY! STOP THIS!" Malay's friends and 'siblings' yelled out. They just couldn't bare to see this and sprinted to the battlefield.

Meanwhile in Malay's head,Malay's POV

  I dont know what was happening. One moment I felt like Im falling,and now Im in complete darkness. Then I heard a voice that sounded like Mpaja's.

"Im sorry,sister. But I had to do this for your own good" she said.

"But please dont revert to violence!" I pleaded.

"Said the person who scratched her best friend for some petty reason. But oh well" she reasoned. That was true,but Im sorry. I wasnt thinking....
Now I can only watch what was about to happen. Mpaja had taken control of me.

Third person POV

The Sane vs the Controlled

  America and Canada lunged over to Malay/Mpaja and held her arms while Australia and New Zealand held her feet. The four of them tied the respective body parts with some ropes they brought. America also made sure the claws wouldn't snap the ropes. Indo flew behind Malay/Mpaja and hugged her now crying self. "Im here! Please stop this! We're scared! We can talk about this!" Indo begged. The crying girl finally transformed back to her normal self and calmed down. Mpaja has left her body,leaving an injured and confused Malay fainting while mumbling the words, "Im sorry".

  At the nurse's office,Phil had already healed some wounds and the broken bone but Malay was still passed out. "I wonder what happened..." Phil mumbled to herself feeling hurt seeing her best friend like that. The nurse was tending to the teacher and waiting for the doctors from the hospital to arrive and take the bullies to urgent care when she called Phil to help her. "Indo,you watch her" Phil commanded. The English family and the bullies' parents were discussing about the situation. "That girl is a threat! She almost killed my son!" Billy's dad yelled. "Your son almost killed my daughter MANY times and you've never batted an eye to that! My daughter has never fought back with violence,unlike your sorry excuse for a son!" Britain yelled in protest. France and the other moms were agreeing on Britain. Its true,the parents of the bullies had never cared if their sons had injured someone. They would understand if it was an accidents but this had been on purpose and was also life threatening. Both the bullies and Malay were wrong for fighting to the death but the bullies were in more wrong since they started all this pain. Malay was just trying to fight back and speak up. Well not exactly Malay...

  Soon,the discussion that was more of a fight stopped when Billy's mom calmed her fuming husband down. Britain sat down and comforted his sons who were scared and confused on what's going on with their sister.

  "She's awake!" Indo called from the room and the English family swarmed in. France was on the verge of crying when she saw her little daughter. "France,where are we?" Malay asked in her sweet and quiet voice. "We're in the nurse's office dear. Are you ok?" France started to checking Malay and hugging her which earned France a hug back. "Im ok! But,where's Billy and his group? What about his parents? Wait what about the teacher? Oh no! I injured them! Im so sorry" Malay teared up. "Its not your fault,Malay. You were just...out of control" Canada reasurred her. "The teacher,Billy and his group are fine. Also,Billy's parents were kinda mean but they said that they would be homeschooling their son from now on and teach him some manners" Britain said.

  "And dont worry,the teacher forgave you. Now the group wants to apologize and was hoping you could forgive them mate" Australia said. "Well then I forgive them" Malay said. Everyone in the room was glad that she forgave and that was no surprise. Malay had a pure heart. She always said,"Mom always tell me that you should forgive everyone everytime they did something wrong". They should thank Golden Khersonese for that.

A week later

The ones who were involved in the fight were given one week to rest and process what had just happened. A week has passed and Malay doesn't have to worry about getting beaten up anymore. She and Mpaja talked things through about the whole control-you-and-turn-you-into-a killing machine thing. Malay forgave Mpaja and they became best sisters again. Malay walked with her brothers to the entrance and met up with her ex-bullies. They apologized many times and everytime they did,Malay forgave them. ''Its fine'' she said.

  And things went well the next few months. And it was still hectic,but in a comical way. Tests,sports,playtime,chores and studying were always on the list of things to do for every kid. Hectic.

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