16:Reunion,Marraige( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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  "Here we are". Singa,Malay and the English family are infront of the Asean household.

  Malay walked to the front door and knocked on the wooden door. "Assalamualaikum!"

  The door slowly opened revealing a very shocked and pale Laysia. "S-sis? No,this cant be! You died" Laysia was hyperventilating from shock.

  Malay placed her hand on her little brother's cheek. "L-laysia... Im here,little brother. Im alive". Both of the siblings were in tears and finally hugged each other.

  "Is this a dream?! This is real?" Singa nodded when he realised Laysia was talking to him. "This is you sis! Uwaaa!" Laysia was overjoyed and cried.

  The other Asean countries checked to see what was going on. "Malay!" Nesia and Timor cried when they saw their old friend. "Nesia? Timor? You all are alright! Indo has been worrying about you for years!" Malay went and hugged Nesia.

  "Hey,whats going on?" Indo walked from the kitchen. "Malay?" "Indo?" The two countries teared up at the sight of each other.

  "Indo! Its been so long! How have you been?" Malay asked. "Im fine! How about you?" They exchanged chats for awhile before Malay going to her brother. "Laysia,we are going to talk about everything since that day". Malay and Laysia ran to the backyard like children.
Finally,the two has been reunited.
Mpaja Pov
  It's good to see Malay back with our brother. I didnt show myself the whole time in fear of scaring everyone. But I just cant help but sense an aura coming from Laysia...

Third Person Pov
  The reunited siblings played in the backyard,totally forgetting Mpaja was there. "Ah,its so good to see you again Indo. What're you doing here?" Singa was chatting with Indo at tye doorstep. "Ah,just wanted to take a break. War's been tough on us and I wanted to escape that hell" Indo explained.

  Singa nodded clearly understanding Indo's reason. Nether was having a series of arguments with his father while being forced to help him in the colonization. Indo hated to see the only one who,other than Malay,loved him so sad and angry.

  "I want this hell in my country to end ASAP. Not 'asap' as in smoke,ok?" Indo joked.
  Months passed and the relationship between Malay and Laysia grew closer. Her relationship with Indo,Nesia,Timor and Singa were growing back closer too. Especially Singapore.

  The Malaysian siblings were very thankful of Singa. Malay and Singa became friends. Close friends. Too  close for Indo and Laysia's comfort.

  Laysia was being a bit protective while Indo felt a burning sensation in his chest. He wanted to be the one with her. He wanted to be what Singa is to her. Close. He felt that it wasnt fair that someone who only knew her for a few months can be so close to her even though he had been with her for years.

  Malay always reassured him that her relation with Singa was platonic and just some friend-friend stuff(Malaysians will understand 'friend-friend' lol). He didnt need to worry for long,though because one day.....

Indo's Pov
  Alright. This is it. This is the day where I confess my love I've kept hidden in my heart to her. 'Malaysia binti Malaya,will you be my wife' has been repeated by me continuously ever since I was a child.

  I had my entire life planned out. Get married to Malay,have kids,get a job,get a house,happy life. I knew it wasnt that easy but Im ready for it. I'll confess my love for her today.

  I walked to Malay who was sitting on the grass making a flower crown. "Just like when we were little. You've always loved making those crowns with Nesia when we visited". The memories came flooding in. I almost cried remembering the last time we played before finding her father dead.

  Her innocence was taken away too early. I already lost mine when my dad suddenly got sick and died when his empire fell. I didnt want hers to be taken away early like mine.

  "Malay" I started. She looked at me with her beautiful red and blue eyes that shines even in the darkest times. "Yes?" I took a deep breath and took out the flower in my right hand. "Malay,I've been feeling this movement in my chest and I think its love...for you" I gulped,nervous of her response.

  "Hehe. I...love you too,Indo" she said
"But," I gulped. " I love you like a best friend. Singa had already proposed and I said yes. Im sorry" I felt my heart break. This day wasn't great.
  For short,she got married to Singa. I came to their wedding even though it hurts me. I just wanted to see her happy.

  "Indo? Why you look so sad?" Laysia asked me. He didnt know I loved his sister more than a 'best friend'. I wished the groom was me,not Singa. I wonder if Malay had ever loved me more than a best friend's love. Probably not. Maybe she didnt have a choice to say no to Singa? I'll never know.

  After this day I would need to distance myself from her. Its not appropriate for me,a man to be with an already married woman like how we used to.


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