14: Singapore,the One Who Finds Her

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Third Person Pov
A week has passed ever since Malay and Singa's first encounter. Malay went out with Mpaja to the farm.

"Malay,what are we doing in this stinkhead farm?" Mpaja complained. "Can you stop being such a brat and stop complaining? We've been here thousands of times,every Sunday ever since we were kids!" Malay yelled while milking the cow.

"Ugh,fine. What can I do?" Malay smirked and pointed towards the chicken coop. "Grab the eggs and clean the coop" Mpaja's expression was priceless! She pouted and did what she was told.

Not even a minute later,screams were heard. The hens in the English family's farm were known to be aggressive and tend to peck anyone who dares get near them.

"Oi! Get your effin beaks away from me! Aaaaah!" Mpaja ran across the farm while Malay chuckled. Mooo goes the cow. "Yes,Bessie. I know I shouldn't be amused but just look at her!"

The two girls returned to the house,Mpaja covered in scratches,which was no surprise ever since she was a solid,and not a ghost anymore.

"Hey,Mala- oh! Mpaja,what happened to you?" Canada pointed to Mpaja. Actually,people can see Mpaja now and the explanation was kinda confusing at first. But,the English family accepted Mpaja even though the fact she had been living with them for years and noone knew was creepy.

Singapore's Pov
I decided to take a walk in the forest near the Asean house to clear my mind. The inhabitants of the house,except for Uncle Asean were driving me crazy!

I also wanted to tell Laysia that I might've found his sister. But,he thinks she died,so as Uncle Asean. If I tell them that Malay could still be alive,they wont belive me.

With a sigh,I teleported to England,in search of the lady.
I ended up in the market. "Huuuh,why here... There's too many people!" I grunted.

Strolling through the market,I tried to focus on my thoughts and ignore the busy vendors and people buying their groceries.

I walked out of the market before walking straight into a pole. "Are you ok sir?!" I heard a woman speaking. Looking up,I saw the same lady from the other day. 'Malay,is that you? Your brother misses you'.

She pulled me up and I introduced myself. "Hello,it seems we meet again" "Oh! You're the guy from that day. Hello,Im Malaysia" she said. Yes,this is her!

"Im Singapore but you can call me Singa". "Well its really nice to meet you and I should be going-" "Wait!" I cut her off. "Do you know about your brother?" Her eyes widened. "Y-you know Laysia?" She stuttered.

"Yes! Infact,I even live with him. Also,do you know where is Indonesia?" Malay's expression saddened a little when hearing the name Indonesia. I understand,because I know he got colonised so he and Malay hadn't been seeing each other in a long time.

"Dont worry,I know what happened to him. I'll find him myself" Malay looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Can I please see my brother again? Please?" I nodded.

"But first we need to inform my family about my whereabouts or else they would be worried" she said. Family? Where has she been living all these years?

At the English family's house
We arrived at the house Malay told me. "Hey Mal! Who's this?" A boy who looked similar to Malay but with stars on his blue canton opened the door. "Hello Ame. This is Singapore! And guess what? He said he knows where Laysia is!" Malay squealed.

Ame looked happy. "Well then,Singapore,Im America but you can call me Ame. Come on in" he invited us in.

"Mom,Father,Canada,Aus,Zealand,come here! Malay has something important thing to tell everyone!" Just then,a woman who seemed to be the mother of Ame came to the living room from the backyard.

A man in a top hat came down the stairs with three other boys,two of them look alike while the other holding an axe. "Ah,welcome home dear. What is the news you wanted to tell us?" The man in the top hat said. "Who's this guy?" One of the look alike boys said

"Ok,so,this is Singapore and he said that he knows where my brother that has been missing is!" Everyone was happy hearing the news and surrounded Malay.

"Good for you Mal! Laysia would be so happy to see his sister again!" The one holding an axe said. "You can meet your brother again!" "Im so happy for you"

Then the man in the top hat approached me. "Thank you,boy. Im Britain by the way" Britain offered to shake my hand and I took it. "Your welcome. But there's something I need to tell you"

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