12:Comfort from the Both of Us

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Note that this chapter was inspired by
Malay's Pov
  Its been a few years now. Phil and her brothers hasn't come to school for a few weeks. Yesterday,her dad,Katipunan announced that Phil's mom,Perla got killed by Spanish Empire. He said that didnt tell Phil about her mother's death because she's too young and innocent to handle it. Instead,he told her that Aunt Perla is just busy and only comes home at night when Phil is asleep.

  After the colonization,Phil and her brothers are kept at their home to protect them. I really miss them. I wish they were here right now...

  "Hey Malay!" Indo called out to me as usual. For years he has always done the same thing when he sees me at the entrance. "Hey Indo" I greeted him back with a sad smile. Indo,being the attentive one noticed my sad smile. "Are you still sad about Phil?" He asked. I just nodded,remembering all the fun times we had together. Is this what they call nostalgia?

  The teacher called for us students and we sat in our desks getting ready for the lesson. Somewhere into the lesson,at the corner of my eye I saw Indo staring at me as if I was some kind of thing that looks really attractive. "Uh,excuse me? Lower your gaze chicken" I blurted out which startled Indo and we looked back at our books.

  "Alright class. Today we will be learning history of the Majapahit Empire. Now,I know this could be a little sensitive to...someone so,Indo,are you comfortable with me teaching this lesson?" Indo froze when hearing his late dad's name. "Uh,yes but I would like to leave the class" he excused himself out of the class with a pint of sadness in his eyes. I pity him.

  After history class has ended,I went to find Indo who just stood outside the door. "Indo,are you ok?" He turned to me and just smiled. "Yeah,just some memories". I know that he still misses his dad. Like,who wouldn't miss their deceased dad? Especially when your dad died when you were so young to even understand what death is.

  I patted his back while he cried and vented about how much he misses his parents and long lost siblings. I listened to him attentively while staying quiet. "Its ok Indo. Besides,everything will come to an end. Its just how life works. We both know you miss your family. Its ok to cry" I kept on saying.

  When he finally calmed down,he looked up to me and mumbled,"Thank you Malaysia. You're a really great best friend". I felt my heart melt. We're amazing friends. We promised to keep each other safe and to never leave each other's side.



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