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The boat finally docks, and the four of us step off. Me kurapika and leorio go look at a map to pinpoint the next test site. But the captain called gon over to tell him something. I see the captain pointing at a big tree. I assume that's where the next location is.

Gon jogged over to us, and told us to follow him to the tree. "But there's a bus that's supposed to take us there!" Leorio whined. He went towards the bus, but changed his mind and chased after us a few minutes later.

We walked for a while, but we were stopped by some weird old lady in a set of risers that blocked the alley. Weird people with random instruments surrounded her. Then some guy who had apparently been following us stepped forward. "What the hell is this?!" He shouted.

The old lady simply looked at him and said "your mother and your lover have been kidnapped, you can only save one. Who do you save? You have 5 seconds to answer." He grinned. "My mother. Because you can always replace a lover."

A wall on the left side of the alley opened, showing another alley. He laughed, and ran to it. The door quickly closed behind him. She looked to us, and kurapika got a holy shit I figured it out look on his face.

Leorio was all pissed, and the old lady started counting down "5.....4....3.....2..." Leorio grabbed a nearby piece of wood and tried to whack her with it. Kurapika quickly stepped in. "Idiot! Your going to ruin our answer!" He exclaimed.

Suddenly I realized what was going on. "What?!" Leorio yelled, I can't belive that pervert still didn't get it. "She let him go, but no one said she let him go the right way." I piped up.

"Silence was the correct answer, your not supposed to choose." Kurapika added. I looked at him and he smiled at me. He had a pretty smile. I blushed and looked to the old lady for her approval. She smiled and said, "the correct path is behind me. You may go."

Me kurapika and leorio moved forward, but gon sat there thinking. "What's the matter?" I asked. He looked at me. "What if this happens in real life someday?" Gon was so kind and innocent, I just wanted to wrap him in a blanket and feed him cookies. "We can cross that bridge when we come to it." I smiled and held out my hand. He grabbed it and we continued on.

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