finding out

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*ketsuyas POV*

I walked down the street, exhausted. I've been out for several days, looking for jobs. But I guess it's pretty hard for a 15 year old to find work. But I have to keep searching. Or else my family won't make it much longer.

Not that my mom doesn't work, but she's very sickly, it started as mental things after the loss of my father, 3 years ago. It just got worse and worse after that. It's not that I'm physically weak, actually I'm quite strong. But being a thin, scrawny looking child keeps screwing me over.

I trip on a rise in the pavement and fall to my knees. I barely have the strength to stand up. People glance over at me, but none stop to help. I can't return home until I find some sort of job.

This small, dead end town will be the death of me. When I finally regain my balance, I continue down the street. I hear a couple young men talking about something called the hunter exam. I find it intriguing and decide to listen to them some more.

Apparently, the hunters exam is a test (duh-.-) for people and if you pass you get a license that gives you lots of privileges to information and jobs that would be unreachable to a normal person. That sounds hella nice. They say the ship will be here in 2 months. I decide to hurry home and start preparing.

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