phase 2

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We followed the examiner to an open field that was full stations? Uhm...why? Ah dammit! I'm the worst at cooking!

I realized I was still carrying leorios case, "hey! Leorio, take your case back!" He grumbled and ripped it out of my hand. "Hey! What's your problem?!" I yelled. He looked at me grumpy. "I can't cook! This is gonna suck!"

I know his feels. "Calm down ya pervert! We don't even know what we're gonna cook yet!" I was gonna make another remark, but we were interrupted by the next phase examiners.

One was a thin, curvy lady, and the other was a big fat brute, who looked about 10x her size. They sat looking all high and mighty and it kind of threw me off, they were a lot different than the previous examiner.

"Okay!" Said the curvy lady. "For the second exam, you will be cooking pig meat!" There were murmurs in the crowd of people, who questioned this exam.

Then the fat one piped up. "You can cook any sort of pig you find in that forest!" He pointed to a more cheery looking woods than the one we just came out of. "Now go catch one!"

We all ran to the forest, eager to find some sort of pig. We looked under and over everything, but couldn't find any.

But then gon found a herd of unnaturally humongous pigs, who seemed extremely hostile. This was OBVIOUSLY a GREAT idea.

We slid down the hill to get them, but ended up making a weird, dog pile thing at the bottom. But the others found the herd as well, so the exam finally picked up.

We were having trouble taking down the pigs though, but gon watched an apple fall onto the beasts forehead and almost knock it unconscious, and found their weakspot.

We all got a pig and headed back to the kitchens. We began to cook the pigs when I realized, I have no friggin idea how to cook a pig! I looked over to kurapika's station, because he was next to me.

I saw him lighting a fire, getting ready to roast it. So I did the same. After that he put the pig on a spit. I copied everything he did, hoping he knew what he was doing.

One by one, people went up to have their dishes tested. And one by one they were rejected. Even gon kurapika killua and leorio weren't spared.

I basically knew I want going to win. I walked up to the table and presented my dish. She took one look at it and rejected it. "Trash!" She yelled. "You all fail!" A huge uproar came from the crowd.

"Guess that's what I get for copying." I moaned. I walked back down to kurapika and the others. I was shattered. My window for my family had shut. I was over.

I was on the brink of tears when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "It'll be alright." It was kurapika.

It hurt me and made me feel better at the same time. I probably shouldn't keep my emotions locked up, but I really didn't care anymore.

But then a huge blimp came from the sky and when it landed an old man stepped out. "Now now, this isn't right is it?" his voice sounded intimidating yet wise, but somewhat at ease.

The old man, which I'm assuming is the chair man talked with the examiners for a few minutes, and seemed to reach a decision. The chairman had a lot of wrinkles, so I think I'll call him that. "We have decided to redo this round. Please wait for instructions."

He turned towards the examiners and she turned towards us. "Let's boil some eggs!" She got a big devious smile on her face and walked onto the blimp. We all followed her and waited for further instruction.

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