The Start To A New Beginning

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They Are In Year 6

Everyone is 16 with Pansy being the youngest

Draco and Y/N are twins

Age Order: Lorenzo, Mattheo, Draco, Y/N, Blaise, Pansy

Everyone but Y/N and Pansy are death eaters


I was rudely awakened by my father pounding on my door saying

"Y/N lets get going we are going to be late"

"Im coming give me a second father"

I ran down the staircase of the Malfoy Manor running passed my brother Draco. 

Maybe you heard of him? He is kind of a git and a man-whore but he is family. I heard he is finally dating my bestie Pansy. They have liked each other since first year. I love the thought of love. Im dating Lorenzo Berkshire and he is lovely.

"Sis if your not carful you will fall and break you neck" Draco said with an annoyed face.

"I have been running down these stairs since we got our letters so I won't fall and if I did I would make sure to bring you with me" I said laughing my arse off but father heard and started yelling which made me jump and almost fall but Draco grabbed my arm.

"GET IN THE CAR NOW!!!" father yelled from the car

We ran to the car and I sat next to mum as usual. Draco sat by himself looking out the window watching the trees go by. 

We passed the gates and were on our way to the train station. I couldn't wait to see everyone. Lorenzo wasn't coming until the second day. He told me in his last letter he was bringing a childhood friend so that must be the reason.

We got to the train station and I screamed for joy which made my father mad.

"Y/N how many times do I need to tell you Malfoy's don't act like that"

"sorry father" I said looking down not wanting to see his face.

I got out of the car and waited for everyone else. My mum took my hand and we started walking with Draco on her other side and my father infant of us. My mum always felt bad that father would treat us like that but she couldn't do anything or he would do worse. Draco and I gave our hugs and started to put our stuff on the train. Mum and father left and that's when I saw my besties Pansy and Blaise saying goodbye to their parents and I couldn't wait to give them huge arse hugs. Unfortunately Draco beat me to Pansy or I hugged Blaise first.

"How have you been Y/N? Enzo still treating you good?" Blaise said as I hugged him tightly.

"I have been great besides my father being rude as always. Enzo and I are doing great but I wasn't able to see him all summer because he had visit a childhood friend that will be coming to Hogwarts this year." I said while smiling into his chest.

"AHHHHHH Y/N I MISSED YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!!!!" Pansy practically screamed making everyone turn and look at us. 

"I missed you to Pans" I said pulling her into the biggest hug ever.

We got on the train and sat in our seats. Draco and Blaise were talking about the guy Enzo was bringing while Pansy and I were talking about our summers.

"So Pans how was Paris?" I said with the biggest smile.

"It was amazing. I can't wait to go back. Hopefully you can come with me though." Pansy said looking at me with a smile that turned into a frown with her last phrase.

"Sorry Pans but you and I both know my father wouldn't allow that" I said with a sad look.

"Your father is no fun. What did his parents do to him?" Pansy said with a huge frown.

"Pans my father is the biggest downer in the history of downers." I said which made us both brake into laughter.

The train finally arrived at Hogwarts and we all went to the Great Hall for dinner. Pansy and I were sharing a room which wasn't new but what was new was Draco having a private dorm. Father probably paid a lot for it but I was unsure of the reason.

After the first years were put into their houses Pansy and I went to our room and planned a party. 

Slytherin Only Of Course

We had the boys spread the word of the party while Pansy and I we're getting ready.

We had the boys spread the word of the party while Pansy and I we're getting ready

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Our Dresses

Draco wasn't happy with our dress choices but I didn't care. I wanted to party and nobody was going to stop me. I picked the music playlist and it was a fire list but what I didn't know was that my boyfriend came back a day early and was waiting for me.

Is Y/N ready for what is about to go down at the party? 

Is she still going to party after seeing who Enzo brought to Hogwarts? 

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