First Day Of Classes

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"Wake up Y/N we need to go get breakfast with the boys." Pansy said pulling me out of bed.

"Its too early Pans." I said with tired eyes.

We got dressed in our robes and walked down to the common room. The boys were waiting for us and were sat on the couch looking pissed.

"Good Morning boys. Good sleep." I said with a smile.

"Finally Im fucking hungry." Blaise blurted which made everyone laugh.

"Stop Laughing And Let's Go!!!" Blaise yelled at us.

Blaise walked out of the common room followed by Draco and Pansy holding hands. Mattheo grabbed my waist and pulled me in. I wrapped my arms around his waist and we walked together to the great hall.

When we entered the great hall EVERYONE looked at us. 

We sat at the Slytherin table and started filling our plates with food. 

Blaise was talking to Theodore Nott someone who always got on my nerves because of how many times he has tried to get me in his bed.

Draco and Pansy were being touchy touchy which was gross and made me gag but I was happy that they found each other.

Mattheo and I started talking about our classes so I showed him my schedule.


First Period: Potions 9:00am

Second Period: DATDA 10:00am

Third Period: Astronomy 11:15am

Lunch  12:15pm

 Fourth Period: Muggle Music 1:15pm

Fifth Period: Care Of Magical Creature 2:30pm

Free Period: 3:30pm

Dinner: 6:00pm

Lights Out: 10:00pm


"I have a free period also wanna hang out during it" Mattheo said while looking at me with the biggest and cutest smile ever.

"That sounds fun and all but I actually help Hagrid with the creatures after class and then I go straight to Quidditch practice." I said with a cheeky smile.

"A pretty girl like you plays Quidditch" He said raising an eyebrow.

"Yes I do. Im team captain and a chaser along with Blaise and Theodore. Draco is the team seeker. Crabbe and Goyle are beaters. We do however need a keeper."

"hmmm...." Mattheo didn't say a word. All he did was think and think and think. It was quite annoying really then he said.

"Im pretty good at keeper if you need one." He said laughing because he knew I was annoyed with the silence.

"OMG Yes please." I said hugging him.

"Y/N we need to get going we have 10 minutes to get to class." Pansy said pulling me out of the hug.

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