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It's started. I feel like a bad brother for letting Y/N get into this. Pansy tells me its not my fault but I feel like it is. We are heading to Hogwarts to fight. Pansy is coming with us and I don't know how I feel about it.


I decided Im going to fight. Maria did too. We won't let the Dark Lord win and that means everything is necessary.


I didn't want to fight but when I heard Y/N and Pansy were going I wasn't just going to sit around and wait for the news.


War is crazy and I never thought I was going to need to experience it.


Im scared out of my mind for everyone. I don't want to lose anyone. We are a family.


I mistreated Y/N at the beginning of the school year and I feel bad for that. She has fully forgiven me and I am forever grateful for her.


I asked Maria to marry me after this crazy war. She is the love of my life and I cant live without her. I just hope she doesn't leave me during this war or even the other way around.


I didn't know how to feel. I wasn't ready for war. I wasn't ready for massive deaths.


My father was ready and I wasn't. Nothing could have prepared me for what was to come.


The Dark Lord is ready for War. I have never been more scared in my life. Everyone knows the plan and I hope it goes well. We are heading to the school to 'fight' our school mates what have we gotten into.



Hogwarts was protected but the Dark Lord was breaking through. It wouldn't be long before the real battle starts. I was scared. My friends and I went different ways. Draco and Blaise met up with Goyle. Maria, Pansy, and Connor went offer with some Ravenclaws to fight. Thomas and Theodore went to help the professors. Lorenzo and Mattheo stayed with me.

The barrier broke and the fighting started. Death Eaters were everywhere and once we started attacking them we knew we couldn't go back.

People went flying. Walls came crashing. I was overwhelmed. Mattheo grabbed me and brought me somewhere.

"Y/N you need to snap out of it. If we are going to win we need everyone to stay focused" He yelled at me but all I could do was nod

Mattheo ran and started fighting some more. I stayed and took deep breaths.

I ran out and started blasting walls. Everyone was fighting. I saw Harry and his friends walking someone in a hurry. I left and followed them. I ignored the screams from Enzo and Matty. I needed to know what they were up to.

I saw they entered a room and shortly followed them but I wish I didn't. As soon as I entered I heard Ron scream


I panicked. I saw Draco, Blaise, and Goyle and they ran to me.

"What are you doing here!!!" Blaise yelled

"I followed them" I told them

"Dumb idea sister" Draco laughed

The fire was getting too close. I could tell they were worried.

"What do we do" I asked

"Climb" Blaise said

We started climbing. As we were Goyle slipped and fell into the fire. He was killed instantly.

"Im sorry Draco" I put my hand on his shoulder

"I don't care keep climbing" Is all he said

We were stuck on a pile of junk. Then the table we were standing on flipped. Blaise and Draco were still holding on but I fell and couldn't grab anything. I was ready to feel the flames of the fire but nothing happened. Then I opened my eyes and I was sitting on a broom in front of Harry. He grabbed me before I fell.

"Thank You" I said while holding onto him

"Don't mention it" He said going back for my friend and brother

Ron grabbed Draco and Hermione grabbed Blaise. I couldn't thank them enough.

We for heading for the door but the fire was fast. We ended up falling and sliding out the doors. Draco picked me up and we started running. I told them I needed to get back to Matty and Enzo and they let me go. They went off to start fighting and I was scared I would lose my brother and a dear friend.

I made it back to the front and saw Enzo backed into a corner by a troll. Without thinking I casted a spell.

"avada kedavra"

A green ray of light blasted from my wand and hit the troll making it fall to the ground killing about 10 death eaters in the process. He nodded which I took as a thanks. We went back to fighting.

I saw a Death Eater follow a kid inside and I followed him. He was about to kill the kid but I struck first.

"avada kedavra"

The same green light came out of my wand and I felt like I was on cloud 9. Yeah I was killing people but they were bad people killing innocent kids.

I ran all around Hogwarts killing Death Eaters. Everywhere I turned a Death Eater died at my hand. It felt good. I couldn't explain it.

While running I noticed I was by the Room of Requirement and I saw 2 familiar faces. As I was heading to them I saw another familiar face that made me scared. He was about to cast a spell. I got in front of them and I blasted the Death Eater with the kill curse before he could finish he spell. I turned around and saw 2 smiling faces.

"Thanks Y/N we could have died" Fred said

"Yeah thanks how will we repay you" Percy said

"When we win we can call it even" I winked and ran off

As I left the 2 brothers I faced a problem of my own.

"Hello traitor" Adrian Pucey glared at me

"If me fighting for what's right makes me a traitor than fine but at least I know I will see to live another day" I yelled

"I would be so sure ava-" He tried to kill me but I cut him off

 "Expelliarmus" I screamed then hid behind a pillar

"You are gonna have to try a little harder than that bitch" He screamed

"Why are you doing this? We used to be friends" I yelled

"Friends? You left me out of everything if anything I was just someone who was in the room." He yelled back

"Im sorry you felt that way I always thought of you as a friend" I yelled at him

I worked my way around the pillar and got behind him. I jumped on him and kicked his wand away.

"Actually I always thought of you as Adrian Pussy avada kedavra" I said while looking into his eyes

"Y/N!!! How dare you kill your own!!!" A voice I couldn't handle to hear 

"Sorry Auntie but I cant let the Dark Lord win" I said while slowly looking up at her

"The Dark Lord will win and you will die" Auntie Bella screamed at me and ran away

I met up with Draco and Blaise again they said everyone was still alive and it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulder. As we were running and killing Death Eaters I told Draco about Adrian and our Aunt. He was proud of me. 

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