The Fall Out

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Draco told Pansy everything and I guess she went looking for me.

When she found me I was a crying mess. I was crying for 2 reasons.

Reason 1: What Draco Said

Reason 2: Lorenzo Having A New Girl

Even though I never actually said anything I'm still partly in love with him. I mean hearing that he wanted to break up with me as soon as he got back to Hogwarts hurt but I still loved him.

Draco said Mattheo and I met when we were 10 and that I was in love with him. Do I feel a strong connection with him? Yes but I was 10 I didn't know what love was.

Here is what I'm going to do. I going to stay away from him. Draco took my memories away which I guess helped me. I couldn't imagine the girl I would have become if I still had those memories.

Pansy took my back to our room and put me in bed. I fell asleep easily.

When I woke up I saw Draco sitting on the edge of my bed. He looked like he didn't sleep at all last night. He saw I was awake and wanted to say something but didn't. He just looked down at his feet and twirled his rings on his fingers.

"I'm not mad at you by the way." I said sitting up.

"But you should be. I took away your memories. I took away a time when you were happy." He said with a tear rolling down his face.

I grabbed him by his arm and pulled him into a hug. I kissed the top of his head and he just kept saying sorry over and over again.

After the long needed hug he left to go get dressed. I got out of bed and went to take a long hot shower.

I entered the bathroom and locked the door. I walked over to the shower and turned the water on. I went back to the sink and saw I still had make up on from last night but it was all over my face from crying. Shit my brother saw me like this. No wonder he kept saying sorry.

I washed my face and removed the make up stains.

The bathroom soon filled with steam and my reflection was no longer visible.

I entered the shower and let the hot water hit my body. The feeling of the water felt so nice on my body. I washed my hair with my shampoo and conditioner.

It makes my hair so silky and leaves it with a scent of floral and woody

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It makes my hair so silky and leaves it with a scent of floral and woody. The guys go nuts for it.

I washed my body with a cherry blossom body wash and shaved my legs so they were nice and smooth.

I turned the water off and went back to the sink. I cleaned the mirror and dried my hair with the towel.

I rapped another towel around my body and went to my closet. I put my robes on and went to the common room.

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