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I was looking for her everywhere with no luck then I thought of one place I haven't looked

*Blake Lake*

As I approached the Blake Lake I saw her sitting by a tree close to the water edge.

"Hey" I said while sitting next to her

"I thought you hate me" Pansy said while crying in her knees

"I thought I did but I started thinking and you might have fell out of love but you stayed with him and I didn't understand why until I remember a conversation we had back at the Malfoy Manor" I said

*Flash Back*

"Hey Y/N do you think dating a death eater could get me killed" Pansy asked

"No why" I asked

"No reason" Pansy said

*End Flash Back*

"I forgot about that" Pansy said

"As soon as I remembered that it hit me you were scared to stay with him but you were scared to lose him. You and Draco were like best friends before you started dating and you were scared if you told him you fell out of love you would lose him forever." I said then hugged my best friend

"I already lost him. He won't talk to me. I still love him but more like a brother now. Please don't hate me" Pansy said while starting to cry again

"Hey you are my best friend. I could never hate you." I kissed Pansy on the head and we sat there watching the lake.

"You should ask out Garnet" Pansy said

"What why" I asked

"Because he is new and you should give him a try" Pansy said with a huge smirk

"Ok I will" I stated

*Common Room*


I walked up to Draco and asked him if we could talk. He said yes and we went to his room. I told him everything and at first he was sad but he said something about his feelings for me changed after I found about his mark as well. We decided to go back to being best friends and forgetting everything.


I saw Pansy and Draco walk off and I crossed my fingers it goes well. I left the common room and went to the great hall to find Garnet.

*Great Hall*

Garnet was sitting at the Gryffindor table with all his friends. They were laughing and eating. I walked up to him and asked to talk. Everyone was whistling and making kissing nosies.

We walked off and I asked him out and he said yes. He kissed me and I felt like I was on Cloud 9.


"You really gonna go through with this dare" friend number 1 said

"Hell yeah I heard she is crazy in bed" I said laughing

"What Sarah not doing it for you" friend number 2 said

"She sucks at sucking dick" I said

"Look who's coming" friend number 3 said

"I wonder what she wants" I asked

"Hey can we talk" She asked and I nodded

When I got back to the table I told the guys "Game On" and they went wild while I laughed

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