Tragic Loss

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Everything happened so fast. Everyone ran in different directions. I lost site of everyone. The instant fighting caused dust to appear and everything went blurry. As I ran instead I saw my aunt going after Ginny.

"GINNY LOOK OUT!!!" I screamed and she blocked the spell

"NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH!" Molly Weasley yelled

They blasted spells at each other and in the end she killed my aunt. I was sad but I knew it had to be done.

Harry was off fighting Voldemort while everyone else we're fighting Death Eaters.

As the fighting went on more and more walls started to falls. Bricks were flying.

I couldn't see where I was going and when I stopped moving I saw a brick heading right for me. Right before it hit me I was pushed out of the way. I could see who saved me but I was grateful.

I was fighting Death Eater left and right.

I saw my friends fighting some too and I was happy they were alive.

Once this was all over I knew everything could go back to the way it was before. We could be a normal friend group. We would go back to school. Graduate and get jobs. Maria and Thomas will get married and start a family. I cant wait to be an aunt.

While I was fighting I got pulled into a room that had all the windows blow up. I didn't see who grabbed me but once I did I was happy.

"Y/N I need to tell you something" Mattheo said

"Could it not wait" I laughed

"No because Y/N Im in lov-" Mattheo started to speak but I stopped him

I gave Mattheo the biggest kiss I have ever gave someone. It felt like it lasted for days. The fireworks were always and will always be there.

"I knew you still liked me" Mattheo laughed

"Who said I stopped?" I told him

"What do you mean?" Mattheo asked

"I have always loved you Matty I just couldn't do anything until this war was over" I smiled

"God I love you when we are free we are getting married" Mattheo said

"After Maria and Thomas then we can" I laughed and gave him another kiss



Harry and Voldemort went flying off the tower. They hit different parts of the school but eventually landed in the courtyard and started crawling for their wands.

They both threw their spell at each other and we're off to see who will win.

Ron and Hermione who running away from the snake. They were scared to death. They got back into a corner and Ron covered Hermione to protect her just incase something was to happen. Just on time Neville came and killed the snake using the Sword Of Gryffindor.

With the snake dead Voldemort was finally able to be killed.

Voldemort got knocked back and their spells were broken but soon after they shot their spells again. Voldemort was not as strong anymore and was losing bad.

Harry disarmed Voldemort and he started fading into dust.

Neville finally told Luna he likes her and she liked him back.

Everything seemed to be getting back to normal.

When Voldemort died the remaining Death Eaters ran.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione went to the bridge and started talking about the elder wand.

"Why didn't it work for him the elder wand?" Hermione asked

"It answered to somebody else... When he killed Snape He thought the wand would become his but the thing is the wand never belonged to Snape... It was Draco who disarmed Dumbledore that night in the Astronomy Tower from that moment on the wand answered to him... Until the other night when I disarmed Draco at Malfoy Manor" Harry explained

"So... That means" Ron said

"Its mine" Harry blurted

"What should we do with it?" Ron asked

"We?" Hermione asked curious

"I'm just saying that's the elder wand the most powerful wand in the world with that we'd be invincible" Ron stated

Harry broke the wand and threw it over the bridge.

*Great Hall*


I went looking for my friends but what I found was something I couldn't handle.

"We made it!!! I cant believe we made it!!!" I yelled while running to my friends

"Y/N we need to tell you something" Maria said while sobbing

"What?" I asked confused

"Sis you need to sit down" Draco said

Everything went to a blur. I couldn't hear anything. I couldn't breathe. Draco and Mattheo were trying to get me to pay attention. How could I? I lost them. I lost the people I loved the most. It felt like a dream. I tried to focus on Mattheo but nothing worked. I felt someone hugging me but I didn't know who. I was lost. Nothing could fix this. My heart will have a whole in it forever and nothing and no one will be able to fix it.

I lost everything. I never thought I would feel this way. We had it all. We won everything but at the same time I lost everything.

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