Chapter 2: The Church

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Chapter 2: Monastery.  

Cain and Jess tried to apologize repeatedly after our little incident from last night, but after letting them wallow in misery all the way to St Ninian's Priory in Withor, I let them off the hook. After all, our tutor hadn't figure out anything about our own private excursion, and Cain and Jess popularity had made sure none of the other student muttered a word if they knew. Sometimes, it rocked to be a senior.  

The day had become cloudy and a thick fog clouded our 

first impression of St. Ninian; When we finally were able to stretch our legs 

after the long ride, that first impression hadn't faded one bit.The church was tall made of stone and stood proudly and severe as the first day it had been built surrounded by tombs of the monks that had probably inhabited the place a long time ago .  

I hugged my middle trying to find some sort comfort from the cold aura that surrounded the place but the strange idea of someone waiting for me in those ruins made me sad. 

The flash of a camera brought me back from my little reverie to find Cain taking pictures at my perfil. I smiled lazily to erase any concern from his face and hooked my arm with his to gather with the rest of our group near our Tour guide and Tutor, at the gates.

-"...This church is one of the eldest Christian church 

built in Scotland"-Was saying our guide-"The Christian Gospel was first brought to Scotland 

by St Ninian who founded his Church here in Whithorn around 397AD.  

The Church was known as Candida Casa. The name derives from the Latin, Casa, meaning house and Candidus\/Candida meaning shining or glittering white, referring, possibly, to the stone used to construct it or the whitewash used to paint it..."

Jess was waving his hands near the gate, on the far side of the property surrounding the church, as we made our way through the tombs. We 

had been given free time to wander on our own around the property and relax a bit; but,the noisy chatter of the students and other tourist just made it even harder to relax and have lunch.  

I had a fleeting though of how weird it was to have lunch in the cementery and how improper it was to the souls resting around us, but the growling on my tummy convinced me that they were already dead and if I didn't eat, I would follow soon... 

My boots were muddy because of the soft rain,that had fallen while we were doing the tour inside the church, and it cost me twice as much as if it would have if I had actually had a wink of sleep last night, that was why we were diverting from our group...We weren't going just to have lunch but also take a quick nap, until the guide decided we had other sightseeing 

place to be. 

Suddenly my boot slipped and I fell on my butt making me wince at how strong it hurt...

-"Are you ok?"-Asked Cain,while Jess run to us, I raised an eyebrow and he flinched-"Ok, scratch that, It was really stupid..."-He offered me his hand to pull me up but my eyes had found an old path towards the shore. 

-"I think I found a better path"-I said nodding to the old path. 

-"I hadn't seen that"-Muttered Jess approaching it carefully to do not slip in the mud, the path was carefully hidden by weeds and wild plants that had grown there over the time, but overall it was well kept. 

-"I take that any day over falling on mud again"-I muttered trudging that way. Cain and Jess followed me as we approached the coast to a precipice allowing the sight of the blue ocean. 

I sighed in contempt feeling happy of having fallen earlier only to see this, I turned to see the awed expression on my friends face's and smiled broadly. 

"-Way much better"-I nodded to myself patting my back on my mind. 

-"It is breathtaking"-murmured Jess . 

-"Esther, maybe you shouldn't be so close to the border, people hasn't 

been over here in a good time, it may be a bit dangerous."- Edged carefully Cain. 

-"Naah, it feels safe"-I snorted and decided to act childlike for once proving my point by jumping on my spot happily. I laughed heartedly feeling light like a feather being carried by the ocean breeze; However dread flooded me seeing the concern in my friends faces before the earth gave away and I fell into darkness... 


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