The Coordinates

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Back in the alternate universe, Realistic Foxy was putting up missing posters of Realistic Mangle around the town block, thinking she ran off somewhere and got lost.

"What am I gonna do without Mangle? No, I gotta keep trying, I would never abandon her," Realistic Foxy said to himself as he continued hanging up posters.

After a while, the sun started to set. Realistic Foxy put up 20 posters but still no Mangle. Realistic Foxy decided to walk back home with a saddened face. As he walked inside, he sat on his couch and decided to watch TV to cheer himself up. He switched through channel after channel, nothing interested him.

"This isn't the same without my wife. What am I gonna do?" Realistic Foxy spoke to himself.

Then, a knocking was heard. Realistic Foxy quickly turned to the door, he thought it was Realistic Mangle.

"Could that be her? I swear to God, I hope so," The desperate fox hoped.

He opened the door full of pride but switched back to a frown. It wasn't Mangle, it was some man with a package.

"Package for...Mr. Cohen?" The delivery man asked.

"That's me," Realistic Foxy sighed.

"Sign here and here. That's good, have a nice evening!" The delivery man waved.

Realistic Foxy grabbed the package and walked back in. He opened it with a box cutter and picked up a bubble-wrapped picture of his family. When he saw the sight of Mangle next to him, smiling, he couldn't hold back his tears and broke down sobbing.

Back at Freddy's, Realistic Mangle was outside, thinking what Shadow Freddy said about coordinates. She grabbed a shovel and started digging.

"Uhhh...Mangle? What are you doing?" Freddy asked, confused to why she was digging.

"Just digging.." Realistic Mangle answered.

"For what?" Freddy questioned.

Realistic Mangle thought for a while and finally added:

"I'm digging for buried treasure, because I'm married to a pirate wannabe. Heh heh, arr!" Realistic Mangle exaggerated.

Freddy gave a suspicious look but walked back in.

Realistic Mangle continued digging once he was gone. A few hours went by, holes were everywhere, Realistic Mangle continued digging with dirt all over her. She kept digging until the metal hit something solid.

"Huh?" Realistic Mangle muttered.

She dug over the solid surface and pulled out a poorly made wooden chest. When she opened it, a paper was seen laying flat on the floor of the chest, she grabbed it and read it.

"That's where that Orb thing is! I need to get to Prime City," Realistic Mangle said to herself, figuring out the coordinates.

Realistic Mangle then took a cab to the city hall of Prime City.

At 2:45 AM, noises were coming from Freddy's office, keeping Foxy and Mangle awake. They tried to drown out the noise with their pillows but to no use.

"Can't sleep either?" Foxy asked Mangle, tired.

"Not a single snore," Mangle replied.

"I'm gonna go check on it. Maybe it's just Freddy working on his taxes again," Foxy said, before getting out of bed.

After Foxy left, Mangle tried to sleep but the noises kept going on.

At Freddy's office, Foxy went in and saw multiple file cabinets knocked over, papers spread across the floor, and claw marks on the wall. He looked up and saw a humanoid rabbit with blue pants and a red bowtie, it seemed to be carrying something gold and glowing.

"Hey! What are you doing, mister?" Foxy yelled.

The rabbit turned to look at him. It's face had a creepy grin, black eyes with orange-ish circles, and sharp teeth. It walked slowly towards Foxy, with lights flickering. The lights went off completely, scaring Foxy. When the lights came back on, the rabbit leaped at him with a roar but missed. Foxy leaped backwards and ran out, while the rabbit gave chase. But the bunny stopped when he heard noises from other rooms, the rest had woken up. The rabbit looked back at Foxy and gave him a wave goodbye, lights flickered, and he was back to a toy doll. Foxy had no idea what just happened, but he shrugged it off and walked back.

At Prime City Hall, Realistic Mangle was looking for documents on Zorento and the Orb. She barely found anything except for evidence. After a few hours, she was about to give up until she tripped on an unopened box she dropped, thinking it wasn't worth it. But Realistic Mangle opened it anyway and a white glow shined from it. Realistic Mangle grabbed the object and gave a grin of happiness. She had found the Orb of Zorento.

"I finally found it! I'm going home!" Realistic Mangle cheered. "Now I need to get this thing back to Shadow. But where is he? I need to get some rest before I continue on, it's dark out,"

Realistic Mangle walked to a nearby motel, rented a room, and went to sleep.

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