Chapter 62

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" What are you doing?" I pushed against the smooth cool contours of Lucian's shoulders.  My palms flat against him even as he reeled me in with his arms wrapped around me.

"I have waited long enough don't you think? " He said staring down at me determinedly.  I shook my head at him in confusion.  I didn't know what to make of him. I didn't know why he was even here. It didn't matter that the whole of my being craved his. Or that I have loved him my whole life.

"Get out of my bed," I demanded. 

Ignoring me he burried his face in the crook of my neck.  I felt him breath deeply and felt my own breath stiffle in reaction.

My palms still pressed flat against him inched up between us till I found them wrapped around his shoulders. My hug was ferocious.  With a strength I didn't know I was capable of I found myself pinning his hard length firmly to my own and yet the words that rang out of my mouth said the opposite, " You shouldn't be here.  Not in my bed."

"Hushhhh," whispered Lucian soothingly to my clear agitation.  I was in conflict with my own self. Desperately wanting what I could never have.

Lucian's head lifted and his eyes focused on mine. Leaning in his lips inclined towards my own.

I shook my head again. This time to prevent his lips from finding a suitable perch. His growl was frustration was as deep as it was gripping.  I stilled instantly in response and his lips unerringly found and brushed softly against my own.

A new bout of shivers that had nothing to do with the cold raked through me.

"Lucian? " I gasped out unable to help myself.

"Shhh...," he whispered huskily.  " I am here."

But I shook against him again this time my entire body trashed against his trying to break loose of his hold.

"Stop it!" He commanded.  " You're hurting yourself. "

Indeed I believe I was. Not only was his tightened grip causing bruises but my thrashing limbs bruised against his as well. But not all my hurts were merely physical.

"You shouldn't be here.  You're married," I cried out helplessly. "You can't be in bed with me.  Especially not when undressed."

I whimpered with longing over each inch of all that was him touching me. There was nothing I wanted more in the world than to rub all of him against all of me and make him mine. But he could never be mine not as long as he already belonged to another.

"It was a contract wedding.  The terms were to get my wife with child. I have kept my end of the contract and fulfilled its terms. I am no longer bound by wedlock.  Vanessa will be delivering anyday now. I will be a father and I will be free. Free to be with you," said Lucian determinedly before resolutely reaching out to cup my face between his palms and place his cold lips in a clear mark of ownership,  on my own. 

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