Chapter 75

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"I think you know my response, " I muttered stiltedly.

His eyes shot up to mine. Our gazes locked and held. Mine as determined as his.

"Why don't you ask Vanessa to be your bride," I found myself saying almost venomously.

"Where do you think your Lucian is?" Coleman's stare didn't falter. Quirking his brow at me he strode confidentally closer. "He fucked you in more ways than one and went bounding back to his wife."

The hit struck straight and sure. My heart missed a beat then pounded like mad in the hollow of my chest. Blood shot to my head rendering me whoozy once more.

"What's the matter?" said Coleman, with mock sympathy, " You're looking a little flushed. "

The anger I felt surged out of bounds.  It was through gritted teeth and a tightened fist that I told Coleman with some degree of calmness, " I am done here. I have nothing more to say to you.  Please leave."

He stood there staring down at me for the longest moment.  His expression unreadable but then he said mildly, "Call me..."

" My answer will never change, " I said immediately.

"But you haven't given me an answer," he whispered softly, pausing at the door to glance back at me tauntingly before shrugging back out. The noise of the busy hospital flooded back in before the door swung to close softly behind him.

My thoughts were immediately reverted to his most damning statement...Lucian had gone back to Vanessa.

I couldn't believe it.  I wouldn't.  And more importantly I will not remain in this god damned hospital a moment longer. Reaching out I buzzed for the nurse and my discharge papers

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