The end

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" I love you."

I looked up at Lucian's lovely eyes staring tenderly down at me.  I would never tire of hearing him say that.

"I love you too," I said simply before lifting my lips up to brush against his.

He flexed his hips against mine one last time as the echoes of completion gave its last ripple of sweet fulfilment down his spine.

Lucian hadn't been kidding when he said we wouldn't be needing any clothes where we were going.  In the past two months absconded here in the mountains we never ventured out and rarely moved a foot in distance from each other. 

Glued to each other as we were the time spent here was in a single minded pursuit of endless pleasure.  But all good things had to end and civilisation and more importantly Ian, was beckoning.

With a heavy sigh I couldn't help echoing, Lucian heaved off to settle heavily at my side.  Instantly I snuggled up against him burrowing into his arms and settling my lips to its favourite position against the pulse at his throat. I loved the faint echo of it beat tremblingly against my lips. I flicked a lazy tongue against him in silent appreciation.

" I don't really want to go back, " murmured Lucian echoing my thoughts exactly.

" I don't either, " I muttered unhappily.

" But we have to," said Lucian grimly.

" That we do," I mumbled grumpily.

" I guess its just as well you didn't get a chance to unpack. It will spare us the time in packing up. We could put that to good use," suggested Lucian agreeably.

I didn't bother with a response to that and instead hoisted myself up onto him. I set about then kissing every part of him that I could reach while allowing him the same liberties over my person.

" I don't think I could ever get enough of you," I mumbled out grumpily as my lips left off from kissing his ear to nibble at his jawline.

" Same," said Lucian without inflection.  He was as focused and dedicated to the task of bringing me endless pleasure.

I frowned down at him. "We can't go on like this forever,  " I said not for the first time since we holled up here.

"I know... I know, " mumbled Lucian unconvincingly.  I shook my head at him knowing that he would like nothing better that for this immersion in pleasure to go on forever. I knew why he was this absorbed.  Fate had a deliberate cruel sense of humour when it came to Lucian and me together.  Despite us being with each other these past two months we were both still raw over past experiences to put our trust in the fates.

I stopped my nuzzling and simply hugged Lucian to me.  Needing this closeness above all else.

"We could get married, " said Lucian again to which I shook my head again.

It was not that I didn't want to marry him but simply because I couldn't.  I was dead. An undead. I didn't have a legal existence anymore. It was not like the originals. Once it came out that the vampires were infact dead... as in the undead. Their legal existence were revoked. They were lesser than the living. They did not have rights.

Not like the humans.

Not like the originals.

I could never marry Lucian and bearing him a child was physically impossible. The undead did not have children.

But I didn't need any of that. Not when I have Lucian.  He was all that mattered.  All that ever will.

But Lucian could be stubborn about things and he was certainly stubbornly persistent about my marrying him.

"I don't need marriage.  I only need you."

" I love you, " said Lucian again.  This time with his usual bout of desperation.  I clutched him to me tighter and felt his hips flex to slip his manhood back into my wet folds.

" I... love... you... too," I managed to get out amidst the intense pounding that Lucian's proceeded to deliver.  As always he rendered me speechless only crying out meaningless nothings that was nothing short of animalistic.  Our shouts echoed across the long since vacated woods. Indeed I believed it was impossible for nature's living creatures to co-exist in a space where two wildly amorous predator lurked in constant fornicating heat.

I love you always!

Lucian thought out to me.

I love you always and forever!

I thought back out to him.

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