Chapter 65

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"Fuck," muttered Lucian feebly,  what was probably the understatement of the century.

My own worried gaze met his. The dark swirls of their depths had lessened. But the guilt within was overpowering.  His regret was palpable filling the air with a tension that bordered on violence.  I knew if I said the wrong thing Lucian's outburst would be explosive. I bit my lips undecided and watched his lids grow hooded as he took in my nervous gesture.

I cleared my throat and begun hesitantly, " Lucian? "

"Don't!  Even the sound of your voice pulls me to you."

I stared back at him miserably. I couldn't believe it.  I couldn't believe we've gone a full circle.  His memories hadn't been the only one to return with that one bite. Mine came flooding back too. Only the potency of mine gave new meaning to pain.

"Its worth it, " I said suddenly instinctively knowing just what to say.

" You cannot seriously mean that," said Lucian staring back at me incredulously.

But I only vigorously nodded my head ignoring the aching pain that flared up from the base of my throat with that action. Fresh blood splurted out if the unclosed wound. I watched his eyes glaze over in his effort to restrain himself from me.

" I remember.  I remember everything.  And what I now know is that every bit of pain from you is worth more than the emptiness of not havi you around at all," I said incoherently feeling all choked up by my  overwhelming feelings for him. I had loved him. I had really really loved him.

"I love you, " I said simply, then waited for his response.

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