Adapt & Overcome

198 6 3

El Paso, Texas
El Paso International Airport
(Demi POV)

Alright, another day, another long flight for a show in good old Texas with the one and only. Things actually were going pretty swimmingly between us, what with us getting plenty of time to get to know each other in between shows and all.

Anyways, we eventually touched down in the lone star state and went to go grab our stuff from baggage claim. No biggie, simple grab and go right? Well for Brandon it was. Sure enough, my gear bag gets lost among the shuffle. Naturally I had a mini panic attack that was before he calmed me down.

"Well... there's all that gone."

"Yeah, that kinda sucks, hopefully someone stumbles across it while we're in town."

"Hopefully... right, ready to go check in to the hotel?"

"Sure, after you miss..."

He gestured as we walked to the rental car, to be honest that remark made me chuckle a little bit, he was always good at doing that. I soon made an emergency lost post on my IG just in case someone were to find it. With that situation dealt with, I still needed some mock gear to wrestle in tonight, thankfully I had an old friend that could help. We soon arrived at the arena and my plan swung into action.

As B was getting ready for his match, a fellow friend in Luis Martínez better known by Damien Priest heard about my current situation and happened to have a spare pair of pants he wasn't using and was more than happy to lend it to me.

Tonight's live show was pretty calm for the most part, obviously we were both on the card, and we had pretty interesting opponents at that. I was paired up against the genius of the sky, Io Shirai in an exhibition match that should honestly be a lot of fun. I've seen most of her matches and she's got some Major talent behind her. Meanwhile, I didn't here much about my counter part, but it seemed to me like Brandon was put up against Adam Cole in a rematch with the title on the line. Talk about high stakes eh?

Anyways, eventually it was time to make my entrance, and I felt pretty good despite the issue, and was ready to kick some tail in. The match was a complete barn burner as predicted complete with standing moonsaults by Io and straight up BRUTAL rights and lefts by yours truly. Safe to say in the eyes of the crowd, this was the match of the night at the time. For the finish, Io climbed to the top rope and tried to hit a moonsault, but to no avail as I got my knees up, popped up, and hit her with the rip tide for the win.

After the bell rang, I rolled off of her and celebrated for a little bit before she slowly got back up and a stare down insued. A few minutes later she stuck her hand out waiting for me to shake it. I eventually did as she raised my hand with the crowd cheering loudly before walking back stage.

"Not bad for no gear if I'd say so myself, huh babe."

I asked my awesome boyfriend as I arrived in gorilla.

"Damn right! Good match."

He said as we hugged before I left him there to prepare for his main event match up.

"Go get 'em bud!"

"With pleasure..."

He said as he began stretching and got into the zone.

His theme eventually cut in as he left to make his entrance with the crowd bursting into their usual frenzy. Adam Cole was already in the ring and ready for a fight, and I knew from the look B gave me when he left, he was ready too...

"The following contest scheduled for one fall.... Is for the NXT championship!! Introducing first, the challenger, from Panama City, Florida weighing in at 200 pounds, Adam Cole!!"

"BAY BAY!!!"

The crowd erupted shortly after as Cole did his taunt.

"And... his opponent, from Jacksonville Florida, weighing in at 240 pounds, he is... the NXT Champion, Brandon Powers!!"


Safe to say that one was a little louder than the previous one.

The bell eventually rang signaling the start of the match. The two circled the ring as the crowd roared to life. THIS was a big fight feel that we rarely get on house shows.

After a few minutes of traditional test of strength grapples the haymakers came out in full force. Cole would strike hard only to be outdone by a right from B... my god he looked good doing it... what was I talking about?

Anyways, half an hour later, B had the upper hand as he backed into the corner and started the ever so familiar "POWR DOWN" chant. What he didn't expect was Adam grabbing a chair and swinging it right into his chest causing a disqualification as the referee called for the bell.

"The winner of this match as a result of a disqualification, and still the NXT champion, Brandon Powers!!"

Cole passed for a second to process what he did and eventually went back to attacking him before backup arrived in the form of myself, and Damien. He of which who had a chair in hand and bum rushed Cole and took him DOWN.

As that was going on, I searched for Brandon, eventually finding him on the outside of the ring.

"Hey... Hey!! B? You good?!"

I said lightly tapping his head to get his attention.

"Hm? Oh! Y-yeah, I'm good, that chair shot hurt like a bitch though."

I almost immediately broke out in laughter. Even if unintentional, he still knew how to make me laugh. I soon helped him up and to the back as Priest finished his handy work and joined us.

"Oi, Luis! Appreciate the help out there."

B said in between breaths holding his mid section.

"No problem brother, a friend of her is a friend of mine. Now you better get yourself checked out. That was a pretty brutal chair shot from the looks of it."

"Yep that's exactly what we're doing, hang a left up here B."

"Wait wha-"

"No questions let's go come on."

So we walked all the way to the trainers room to get a diagnosis of whatever damage there was. Turns out that it was worse that any of us expected.

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