Game Over...?

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"B... you sure you can make it home? You're kinda freaking me out here."

"Dem... I... have been through far worse than a simple chair shot..."

"Yeah, but you heard the doc, and I'm not risking anything after that. Rib fracturare nothing to push off..."

"... I... I figured that by the look on your face."

He said as he dropped to a knee to catch what he could of his breath.

"Alright I've seen enough. Wait here..."

Demi sprinted off to get EMS who eventually showed up, got Brandon on a stretcher and rolled him to the ambulance waiting in the parking lot.

"Couldn't help yourself... could you..."

"Dude, look at you, you clearly needed the help. Tough guy persona aside. This could end up really bad if untreated... hell it may mean... uh..."

"Well... I'm clearly not going anywhere tell me..."

"Forced retirement..."

The area around them fell silent.

"Right... a-sorry I wasn't... taking it..."

"It's alright... let's just get you the help you need."

With that the ambulance's engine roared to life as it took its passengers to a local medical facility in El Paso...


(Demi POV)

Hey guys... sorry for the gap in info, it took us a while to get him checked in, but he's awake and alert, but he's having a good bit of trouble breathing and obviously earlier he was holding his chest region so... fingers crossed I guess.

"Demi Bennett?"


I looked up from my phone to see a nurse who had searched me out on Brandon's behalf.

"Good afternoon, I have some good news and some rather unfortunate news."

"Might as well get the later out of the way."

"Well because of that attack on Brandon's mid section, three ribs ended up being fractured. This could be the reason why he was breathing rather heavily earlier."

"Oh damn..."

"Yeah, I know you guys are pro wrestlers and all, my sons a big fan, but he's gonna be out for at least a good half a year."

I took a deep breath and thought about it for a minute. I knew if they told me this now, they had to have told him earlier. That thought made my blood run cold for a second. I know without a shadow of a doubt, he LOVES this business and what he gets to do day in and day out, so this hurt him more than it hurt me. I'll tell ya one thing though , Brandon will have his revenge.

But, for now though, I was eventually taken back to where he was on his hospital bed. He actually seemed rather calm as if he accepted his fate.

"Well well.... I'm not used to seeing you all wrapped up in a hospital bed to be honest."

I remarked causing a laugh from the two of us.

"Yeah... it's happened a handful of times, still feels weird though."


I replied as we got lost in each other's eyes again. Time stood still as I tried not to break down knowing what I know.

"So... have they told you what the verdict was?"

"Three fractured ribs, a bottle of pain reliever pills and six months away from wrestling... yeah I heard, but... I'm okay with it..."


"Yeah... you know I've been privileged to have a long illustrious career in wrestling and I've done a lot of cool things while having the spotlight shone on me for awhile... and I questioned myself when I was getting looked at... and wondering if I could still go like I used to..."

"Y-your kidding right? Tell me you are... I mean I get it, but..."

I paused for a second and thought it over...

"I guess that's for you to decide huh?"

"Yeah... I guess I'll sleep on it."

"Just know... whatever you do, I'll back you 100% you're my whole life, dude! I'm never letting go, no matter what..."

Those words seemed to move him as he motioned me into a ginger hug. Guess he still didn't want to cause more damage, but it still did the trick ahah. Within the next half hour, he was discharged and we headed back to his place to recuperate.

Like I said back there, I wasn't giving up on him just yet, no matter what happened before, or where he goes from here...

Hell, I love him to much to give up now... I just hope that he'll truly be alright...

(End POV)

POWR = BRUTALITY (Rhea Ripley X OC) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now