3. Breaking Out

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After a few hours, the Slayers started to wake up again, feeling dizzy and pain still growing, making them groan and pant, sweating cold, their muscles contracting and their heart racing. They were now in the final stages of the process, and their minds were totally obsessed by the thought of their mates.
While waking up, Laxus whispered '' Guys, I came up with a plan, that might work, do you hear me? '' the all confirmed silently, and Laxus went on'' we are going to take them by surprise, and we must avoid another shot of that drug, so when they come next time, Erik, you alert us, and we all pretend to be still sleeping. Then, if we concentrate together all our forces at the same time, I' d bet we could make this cells explode, and we'll be free... ''
'' Ok, but then what? How do we find them? '' Rogue asked.
'' someone must know, beside Jellal...we'll find any clue, their scents... We'll find them, we're Dragons! ''

Some time later... Eric's attention was caught by a whisper, a few levels above them.
Jellal, was leaving Gildarts and Cana, explaining it was time for him to join Erza, for his mission.
Mest came along then.
'' ready Jellal? ''
'' yes, bring me to them''...
''there they are... '' Eric whispered with a smirk. '' Guys, I think luck is on our side...Jellal is going to join Erza, and I could briefly but surely see where. Mest, he's the one who broght them away. ''
'' That's how they could disappear so fast and so far with no trace behind... '' Gray added.
'' Well done Eric. Now, follow the plan, ok Natsu? No talk, pretend to sleep now, and wait...

As predicted, a few hours later, Gildarts and his daughter Cana, entered the cell's corridor, carring the same device to shoot the narcotic potion but they were somewhat surprised to see all of the Slayers seemingly still asleep.
''Wow,this stuff must be mighty strong, to get even Laxus and Gajeel down like this...' 'Cana commented, looking at her comrades, a little puzzled. She was also sad to have to keep them like in a cage, but those were the orders from the Master, and it was for their own sake.
' ' I can't wait for this to be over, it hurts to see them like this, poor guys. '' she said
'' I guess another shot is not necessary now... '' let's report to Master, and we'll see later. '' Gildarts said as they both exited the corridor, through a heavy door.
As soon as they were alone, Laxus whispered '' now Slayers, release all your power! Make these chains explode, we're going to get our mates! ''
They all groaned, their eyes were deep purple, with a wild fire in them.
Within seconds, their chains broke, they pulled down the cell doors, then Gajeel and Laxus destroyed the heavy door that locked the corridor. They ran upstairs, level by level of the guild's basement, until they stepped out into the hall.
Everyone was in shock. Many were scared, and didn't want to fight against their own nakamas. Gildarts tried to stop Laxus, but he was easily thrown down. Laxus was more powerful than ever, as were all the others. They stormed out of the guild, following the scents of their mates, until Fairy Hills. But then the scent disappeared. Eric stepped up then.
'' follow me guys. It's somewhere on the northern coast from Magnolia. By tomorrow evening we'll be there. ''

At the Mansion...

That afternoon, Lucy and Levy were spending some time in the library, each trying to get into a novel, drinking a good cup of tea.
Mira, Kinana, and Yukino, were preparing sweets for the dinner.
Juvia went to the covered swimming pool, to heal her heartache with her own element, while Kagura and Erza were training combat and sword fighting.
But, they were all trying to appease their inner fears, and stress. All of the girls were craving their boyfriends like never before. Like they could feel their same feelings, and thoughts.
All of them, also, worried for they boys... How were they coping? Were they suffering? When would this be over?
Juvia sighted, looking at her reflection in the calm water of the covered swimming pool. '' Where is my Gray-Sama? '' Juvia would rather get caught by him and... Have her taken away... She dived into the water, making one with her element, disappearing by making her Water Body,  carried away by her fantasies.
Erza, meanwhile, was getting all her energy into exercise,trying not to think too much about Jellal, worried about him. What if he has to fight them? He should be joining her soon...

Indeed, that evening, Jellal showed into the hall, led by Mirajane, to the living room. Erza was caught a bit off guard, blushing terribly, but she found her calm quickly, relieved to find him close to her.

Somewhere North from Magnolia...

The night was already falling, in a forest North from Magnolia.
The Slayers were running, together, guided by their enhanced senses, and Eric's clear vision of their spot they were aiming to. There, where their mates were been held, hiding.
Natsu's flair was stronger than ever... And the simple thought of Lucy ignited flames inside him, heat emanating from him.
'' I just regret we didn't have the time to seek  for Happy... '' he said
'' Agree, I wish I had Lily with us... '' Gajeel echoed, low, next to him.
After a few moments, they heard some noise in the dark branches over them, almost covering the starry night sky. Suddenly they heard leaves crushed, and fluttering of wings, they first thought some night birds flew past them, when Eric, said with a light laugh'' Well guys, I guess your wish has been granted... Here they come, I heard their thoughts' '...
And a Blue flash crushed into Natsu' s chest, crying and scolding him at the same time.
'' Why did you left me behind you baka! Don't leave me ever! I was so worried, and they wanted to keep us at Fairy Hills with Wendy and Carla
But when we heard that you guys escaped, we too fond a way to fly out, and have been following you since... '' Happy said, out of breath, and then layed down on his friend's shoulder.
'' Same here... Glad to find you, finally! I was worried about you Gajeel, how are you feeling? '' said seriously the small Black exceed, Panther Lily, who was devoted to the Iron Slayer.
'' Much better now that I 'm free, and that you joined me, I was missing you Lily'' Gajeel answered.
'' ok Guys, thats fine, now shall we quicken the pace? We still have a long way to go... '' Gray said a, little nervous. His body was covered by black spots, on his right side, and his eyes were shining with a purple fire, while they were usually dark grey and calm.
'' Yes! Let's go! By the break of dawn, we'll be at that Mansion! '' Laxus said, so powerfully, they all felt new energy and a craving, like hunting, spurring them to run even faster, their energies seeming endless, abd their magic increased by hundreds times their usual force. They all felt this inebriating surge of power, and their thirst for their mates just raised more and more.
Just a few hours more... We're coming... This thought ran in their minds, while they kept a fast pace through the night.

End of chapter 3. Next chapter coming tomorrow! Thanks for reading and liking. Please let me know your comments and thoughts!

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