13. The Next Morning

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That night, each couple completed the mating process, under a bright full moon. The weeks of the Mating Season were slowly approaching their end. That night had been the climax, of their powers, and of their craving, and tbeir mates were blissfully happy, having yield to their desires and deepest feelings.
While slowly, a new day dawned, they were all fast asleep.
Lucy and Natsu, behind the pink curtains, were still asleep, while a blue cat peacefully snored on the velvet sofa. He had sneaked in when he was sure that they were both asleep, having waited in the kitchen with his friend Panter Lily, snacking on some fish and other delicious food.
The big mansion was still silent , while, in the next room, a pale blue one, Juvia opened her eyes, to discover that last night wasn't just another dream, and Gray was there, smiling at her, just awake. He kissed her hand, and held her on his strong chest.
Mirajane and Luxus, Levy and Gajeel, Kinana and Eric, Yukino and Sting, Kagura and Rogue, and even Erza and Jellal, had all spent their first night together respectively... And they were slowly waking up.
It felt a little bit awkward, for the girls specially...
After taking a shower and putting some clothes on, which surprisingly, were found also for the guys, in each girl's dressing, in a few drawers, ( go ask Mira...)
They were all ready to get down for breakfast, and meet the other couples.
'' Ya ready Shrimp? '' Gajeel asked his petite girlfriend.
'' I guess... I am Gajeel.. '' she said, blushing.

As they went out of the room, in the corridor they met with Lucy and Natsu, and Yukino and Sting... The girls immediately giggling and hugging each other, comparing their mate mark, while the guys just pretended to be cool, and smirked.

When they finally all met in the kitchen, for breakfast, all the couples were sitting together, exchanging glances. The girls were all blushing and giggling, with Mira smiling knowingly at her other friends.
The one feeling even more embarrassed, was Erza, which face was actually matching the colour of her hair, along with a visibly embarassed Jellal, sitting beside her.
Mirajane decided to broke the awkward silence.
'' So I guess I'll need to make more coffee for this morning... '' she said with a sweet smile, nodding at the guys, then she added '' I guess everyone here spent a good night... Uh Laxus, some more coffee? ''
'' Some more of you, yes... ''
After breakfast, boys and girls split in two groups, as usual. The guys wanted allegedly to visit the mansion and use some of the great places, like the training room, but also those that the girls didn't use, like the gaming room, and the home ciné lacrima downstairs. There was also a spa, and sauna, which some of the girls used a few times.
Obviously there was going to be sole taugh competition between the usual ones, while playing video games, or training. Natsu wanted to proof he was Stronger than Gajeel and Luxus, Gray teased him while competing with Jellal on a friendly video match. The twin Dragons also wanted to proof their abilities, and teamed versus Natsu and Gajeel, like during the Magic Games, but on a more fun and friendly basis. The ones more layed back, were Gray, Jellal and Eric, who went to the pool and the sauna after the games.
Meantime, upstairs, the girls started to share their thoughts and some intimate details. Lucy was talking with Levy and Yukino, While Juvia talked to Erza and Mira. All of them were very excited, showing their respective marks.
'' Juvia is so happy and pround to be Gray-sama's mate, that means that we'll spend together the rest of our lives. '' the bluette said with dreamy eyes...
Mira laughed a little bit, very satisfied that all her Ships had sailed, her own included. She was immensely in love with Luxus, even more now.
'' I'm so glad that all this happened, and as I expected, with no danger or damage for anyone... '' she said, with a look at Erza, who was still a bit mortified, because she felt guilty for her mission.
'' Yet Mira, I need to report to Master what happened, and take responsibility for my failing to protect the girls... ''
'' Who were seemingly all willing to participate, so stop mortifying yourself, and tell me more about last night with Jellal!! '' the Demon Match maker was too excited to worry about anything.
Still, Erza called on the emergency device, to report to Master what had happened.
'' I take full responsibility for this failure Master.'' Erza started, but was quickly cut by Mira who pushed her aside, smiling at the Master.
'' Hello Master, you no need to worry about this Mating season! Nothing bad or untoward happened, the boys behaved well, and since last night, they are quite as usual... ''
'' Well Mira, I guess then that you will soon be part of the Drayer family, officially... Ehm.. Well I suppose that things might have gone much worse''.he answered.
'' That's right, well now, no need to worry, I don't want to keep you busy, so we'll call in a few days, when we'll be going back home! See you Master! '' Mira put off the device still smiling, and clapping her hands like an excited little girl,while Titania watched her exasperated, then she went to the kitchen for some strawberry cake, for comfort.
Lucy just finished telling what happened with Natsu last night, while Levy, Juvia, Yukino, and Kinana listened.
'' And you Levy-chan? How
Was it... With Gajeel? Did it hurt? Tell us.. '' Lucy asked her bff.
Levy was furiously blushing, but then she told them something about the previous night. They all shared some little details, even if they kept for them the most intimate moments.
Kagura went to talk to Erza, and they both shared their feelings about the men they loved.
'' Erza, Even if you are not technically a mate, as for a Dragon Slayer, you could get a tattoo done like ours, that could symbolise your love for Jellal! ''
'' That would be a great idea! '' Lucy added, and Mira too, who have heard something of their conversation.
'' well... Maybe... I'll think about it... Anyway, it seems like I didn't need to worry so much about your safety... As everyone surrendered without fighting... Right girls? '' Titania watched severely her nakamas, but ended with a smile '' it doesn't matter so much I guess ''...
The girls looked each other sheepishly, but then all of them laughed together. Fear and lonely days were finally behind them.
Later, the boys reunited with their girlfriends, and spent time together, by small groups, or pairs, doing different activities together.
After dinner, that evening, they all watched a movie on the lacrima screen, before each couple went to their room for the night.
Before leaving, Natsu said'' now that there' s no danger and no one will track us down, we should spend some days more here, like a small vacation, before we go back to the guild! ''
'' yes totally agree for once with Fire brain'' Gajeel said.
Don' t call me that, you Metal mouth! ''
'' stop it you both! '' Mira and Lucy both screamed at them.
But they all agreed to stay  a few more days there, at the mansion, enjoying all the amazing fun they had together.

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